Yes, systems import aggregate that is located on these disks. You had to destroy aggregate and zero spares before moving shelf to another filer. Just destroy this new aggregate, that’s all. You do it just once after all necessary disks have been assigned.
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It is probably language confusion. If you execute “snapmirror resync” command on destination, snapmirror direction will be from source to destination. But “resync from destination” can also be interpreted as direction is from destination to source. This is perfectly valid and is used to reverse SnapMirror direction. “snapmirror resync” is always executed on a system, that will become destination after command is completed.
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Like you said above the process is working and followed, recently I faced a scenario where ISL (both fabrics) links were down during maintenance and when to try to boot up node was not coming up That's what I expected. Booting in this case would be highly dangerous and could lead to data corruption. If there were issue like takeover node not able to boot, do we need to follow the same process of release of storage disks, destroying mailbox disks (local, partner) will bring up node? It must be decided on case by case basis. It is impossible to give blanket statement. You need to evaluate situation and decide about your priorities - immediate service availability with potential data loss or data integrity by all means.
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Particularly, does it make any difference from where you actually break it (on source or destination) and from where you then resync it? Yes. You break and resync on destination (you can reverse SnapMirror relationship by resyncing from previous destination to previous source). This question rose up when I broke SnapMirror on the destination, then run resync from the desination and got this message: "SnapMirror resync of destination_vol to source_filer:source_volume". Does this "to" mean that the filer actually did a reverse resync? Well, you said "resync from the destination", which sounds very much like reversing SnapMirror direction.
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1. I can execute cf disable and bring down both nodes separately 2. In case of ISL (DWDM) link is not active, can I bring up a single node (cf disable state)? For all I know this is not possible without effectively destroying active/active configuration. 3. If manually disable ISL ports on switches and proceed to execute CFOD (cf forcetakover -d), shutdown of first site, next shutdown of surviving node upon maintenance if I try to bring the 2nd node (in absence of active ISL link) will node come up? Which one is "second"? Let's say you have site A and site B, intersite link is lost and site B did "cf takeover -d". Then you should be able to boot site B (it will come up in takeover mode hosting both A and B) but you should not be able to boot site A. 4. I see KB article on mail box disks (if node not accessible need to reset mb disks) but not sure whether node comes up with only 2 local mb disks. This is majority rule. You have 8 mailboxes in total (if not, cluster is misconfigured anyway). You need more than half of them for a node to boot.
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Will only local aggr mailbox disks (2) sufficient for a single node? yes This probably needs some clarification. In MetroCluster there are normally 8 mailboxes (2 on each plex of mirrored aggregate on each controller). So do you mean 2 local and 4 remote mailboxes are sufficient? Or that half of all mailboxes is sufficient?
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That NAS client piece in the documentation is confusing, as it talks about adding the primary 'file server' as a nas client, but I have the client computer showing up already, with the ossv plugin as well as the file idataagent, so it doesn't look exactly like a filer nas client, as you configure the ndmp bit in the ossv plugin part? You need to configure filer that is target of OSSV as NAS client. Just accept this. You can look at Simpana 10 documentation that provides what looks like sufficiently full step by step guide: I do not expect OSSV part changed significantly between 9 and 10. Something else if it doesn't need DFM do I need to install the host agent do you think? I would install everything that documentation required just to be sure. But honestly reading it I do not see where DFM comes in play at all.
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But your output shows IOM firmware, not ACP firmware. May be ACP firmware was indeed updated, we do not know. Or maybe it did not need update. Detailed instructions are on the link you gave above … “storage download shelf” in advanced mode.
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obviously every ossv client cannot be a media agent Why "obviously"? But you do need to configure NAS Client and to configure NAS client you do need to install Media Agent which provides this functionality as NAS iDataAgent. This is a bit confusing, because NAS client is your filer, and it is not directly related to MA, but MA is used to control NAS client. perhaps the remote ndmp server piece is required to be working This is needed if you want to perform out of place restore to different client. Then this client needs remote NDMP server.
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Well, there is difference between “supported” and “recommended”. And NetApp quoting tool does not necessary agrees with either, adding third possibility ☺
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One possibility is that disks are too new for Data ONTAP version. Did you check minimum requirements? If you will go to 8.x anyway, I would install this version straight away.
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RBAC is described in TR-3358 (there could be updates, did not check). Data ONTAP API is documented here: And PowerShell bindings are available on community site:
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You can restrict user to specific commands only, but you cannot restrict user to command arguments. I.e. iyou can allow “cf” but not only “cf disable”. If granting full command is too much, the only possibility is to use Data ONTAP API and create some scripts (e.g. using PowerShell or any other available language). API can be restricted based on subcommands as well.
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1. It is possible that corruption is confined to some snapshots and active file system is OK. Only support can tell. 2. Error is software one, not hardware. There is no reason to mark disk as bad. It may be caused by hardware - again, support could probably analyze it. 3. The first thing you need is open case.
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It will initialize 3 disks from assigned to it. It will never automatically assign any disk during installation. So removing disk ownership is not enough - you have to also assign those disks to new controller.
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Your target setup is impossible. In active/active configuration each controller must have root volume, so it must have disks where root volume is located. The bare minimum is 2 disks.
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If you adventurous, you can let your vendors do it. Make sure that you have backup, and that your vendors will be responsible to compensate any loss in case of downtime. May be they know some secret tricks.
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