Hi! Just updated our NetApp environment this weekend 9.8P4. I´ve read a bunch of comments, but thought most can be handled through CLI. But now when we are on 9.8, I find things that I used to do through GUI as it was esier than CLI. For exampel: 1. adding local win user to SVM. Can´t find that in CLI 2. managing snapshot policy. Before you could choose policy owned by cluster-admin, but now only policys owned by the current SVM is showing up?? 3. Some inconsistency we get in the "edit options" on volumes on different clusters. We have 2 4-nodes clusters and 2 2-node clusters. On my 4-node clusters, if I choose Edit on a volume I can only edit size, QoS, local snapshot policys (SVM bound). But on my 2-node cluster, i get both size, QoS, local snapshots (cluster wide), Storage Efficiency (dedupe), Export policy Why does it differ? Is it a setting I can´t find? 4. On my 4-node cluster I can´t run the "protect" option on a volume, as the GUI hangs averytime These are some of the first things I have noticed after using the System Manager GUI first day, but will probably find more the more I use it.
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Nice read there.. thanks. I just heard a rumor that the FSA was built on XCP, that´s why I asked. I'm still on 9.7P9 on my systems. Will probably upgrade to 9.8 before summer. Looks smooth, and hope there is a report function available together with this new FSA
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Thank you. I have looked at XCP before, but only for migrating data. Will have a look at the analytics tool as well. Is the file analytics in 9.8 built on XCP? cheers
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Thanks. Tha looks like a massive report solution 🙂 Looking through it I can´t seem to find what value I will get on file numbers. Also I'm not interested on reports on share level as the customer might have one or two top level shares on qtree level. But the folders they want to monitor for file usage might be further down in the folder structure, several "layers" down, With the "vserver security file-directory show" command I can specify exactly the path I want to monitor. That´s the goal cheers
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Hi! The built in report functions are quite few in ONTAP. I have some reports running via PS toolkit scripts, but I'm very new to PS. I have a customer who want to have reports on file usage on different folders in their folder structure. From CLI you can se inodes/files if you run: vserver security file-directory show -vserver vs1 -path /vol1/qtree1/folder1/folder2 There you´ll get "File Inode Number: xxxx" Is there a way to get the same information with Powershell Toolkit, to get it to a report? Or is there any better way to do this? Thanks
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Thank you very much.
Allthough I can only see:
[String]$uri += $("&space.efficiency.savings=" + ($SavingsGB * (1024 * 1024 * 1024)))
[Bool]$query = $True
Wich only os for global space saving (datacenter/storage/aggregates)
Nothing on volume level.
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We are currently working on writing a simple integration using the Active IQ Unified Manager API and Powershell for extracting volume specific attributes. We have found most of the information using simple queries as follows:
$NetAppVolumeRecordsAll = Invoke-RestMethod -Method Get -UseBasicParsing -Uri "https://<NETAPP IP>/api/datacenter/storage/volumes?order_by=name&max_records=100000" -Headers $authheader
$NetAppVolumeRecord = $NetAppVolumeRecordsAll.records | Where-Object name -eq "<VOLUME NAME>"
$NetAppGatewayVolumeRecords = Invoke-RestMethod -Method Get -UseBasicParsing -Uri "https:// <NETAPP IP>/api/v2/gateways/ $($NetAppVolumeRecord.cluster.uuid)/storage/volumes?name=$($NetAppVolumeRecord.name)&fields=**&return_records=true&return_timeout=15" -Headers $authheader
We are trying to replicate the same behavior as our current reporting code, which is based on an imported BIRT report built in Eclipse a while back:
select cluster.name as Cluster, vserver.name as SVM, volume.name as Volume,
volume.size/POW(1024,3) as size_gb,
volume.sizeUsed/POW(1024,3) as used_gb,
(volume.deduplicationSpaceSaved+compressionSpaceSaved)/POW(1024,3) as saved_gb,
volume.sizeUsedBySnapshots/POW(1024,3) as snapshot_gb,
(volume.sizeUsed+volume.deduplicationSpaceSaved+compressionSpaceSaved+sizeUsedBySnapshots)/POW(1024,3) as total_gb,
volume.isEncrypt as Encrypted, volume.qosPolicyGroupId as QoS
from cluster
join vserver
on vserver.clusterId = cluster.objid
join volume
on volume.vserverId = vserver.objid
AND volume.name NOT LIKE 'MDV_%'
AND volume.name NOT LIKE 'vol0'
AND (volume.junctionPath != '/' OR volume.junctionPath IS NULL)
ORDER BY SVM, Volume asc;
But we have a hard time working out the correct way to query for the volume.deduplicationSpaceSaved and compressionSpaceSaved attributes. We have so far been unable to find these using the API documentation and trial and error, could you please help us with pointer to the correct endpoint or method for also requesting information for these attributes for a given volume?
Best regards
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Did you solve this?
I wanted to install a new instance for OCUM AIQ, before I uppgrade our old 9.6 OCUM.
Get the same error, but the problem is that I can´t seem to fins a .iso for VMware tools.
All ISO available are only for Windows and MAC etc.
Linux seems to be using open-tool now.
And those packages are only in .rpm format.
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Hmm, no. That´s strange.
According to this KB: https://kb.netapp.com/app/answers/answer_view/a_id/1000924/~/how-to-obtain-evaluation-licenses%3F- You probably need to contact your NetApp sales rep. "Evaluation licenses program are only accessible for partners or resellers. Generate available temp licenses on the tool. If the license is not available on the website, contact your NetApp sales representative or channel team for your region."
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Not sure if you solved this. But have a look in https://www.netapp.com/us/media/tr-4814.pdf As with other protocols such as FC, iSCSI, NFS, NVMe_oF, and SMB, S3 requires a license to be installed before it can be used in ONTAP. You can obtain a free evaluation license on the NetApp Evaluation Central site. Note: This site requires NetApp login credentials. If you don’t have access, you can obtain a free evaluation license by opening the NetApp Support site and completing the feedback request for your system.
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I´ve been using BIRT to create custom reports since switching to cDOT a few years ago.
Now I want to include QoS policy in the report.
Both "qos-policy-group" & "qos-adaptive-policy-group" that are available on the volume.
But I can´t seem to find in the Data Source in Eclipse where to set the correct Query.
Anyone know?
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Thanks for your solution.
I tried it on my 9.3P7 and works fine.
One question though.
We moved from local admin accounts to domain passthrough accounts for our administrators.
But, as domain passthrough accounts doesn´t have SSH we can´t use the restore function in OCUM (therefor I´m looking at your solution)
But same here now when we have a RO role.
What function do I need to change to be able to do a restore in OCUM with this kind of security login role?
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You are using nfs4..
Have you set up NFSv4 iddomain specified on the client and vServer??
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As it´s NTFS security style and not Unix you could try to check the -ntfs-unix-security-ops {ignore|fail}] option.
You can read more about it here: vserver export-policy rule show
But basically check with:
cluster::*> vserver export-policy rule show -vserver vs1 -fields ntfs-unix-security-ops vserver policyname ruleindex ntfs-unix-security-ops
-------------- ---------- --------- ----------------------
vs1 default 1 fail
If it says fail, change to ignore and test
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@USER_2000 wrote:
I am pretty new to Clustered Data Ontap. On our FAS2620 with NetApp Release 9.4P4 I created a export policy for a share with NTFS security. The strange thing is, that I can mount the share /vol/vol1, but not /vol/vol1/projects.
When I mount /vol/vol1 I can see the projects folder and I have the correct access rights with my user, but I would rather mount /vol/vol1/projects directly. When I try it on my Ubuntu 18.04 Linux client, I get an error message:
mount.nfs: access denied by server while mounting svm1:/vol/vol01/projects
On the other hand, mount of /vol/vol1 succeeds without problems.
What am I mssing?
Kind regards,
You can check perm issions with 'file-directory' CMD vserver security file-directory show -vserver vs1 -path /vol/vol1/projects Is the 'projects' folder created as a qtree or folder. If qtree, check security style on it: qtree show -vserver vs1
Also, on cDOT you have to add your export policy to the root namespace..but that should already been done as you can mount one layer up
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@POLICARD wrote:
No I never connect to SVM as we are not using Management LIF at SVM level. ONTAP is already consumming enough IP addresses and we cannot provide 1 IP per SVM that cannot handle Data.
But the Inovke-NcSSH was perfect for me. I only know I should be very careful with the cmdlet Set-NcNetInterface for the moment.
Or you can change the firewall policy to mgmt on the SVM as it includes data access as well net inte modify -vserver vs1 -lif lif1 -firewall-policy mgmt
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@colsen wrote:
Although OCSM access can't be enabled at an SVM-by-SVM level, you can create your SVM administrators a top-level cluster account and then grant their role individualized permissions to their SVM (thus granting them access via OCSM).
But this wouldn´t work in a multidomain environemnt, where all SVMs have different VLAN and different IP nets.
With this setup, we would have to open FW for each user who would like to manager thier SVMs.
If SVM-by-SVM would be enalbled, they could just access the same adress via webbrowser if we changed the LIF's firewall policy to mgmt.
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Thanks, but VPN solution is not what we are looking for ..
Found these..
They can add external storage as CIFS/SMB.. and that´s a start.
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A couple of years ago NetApp accuired IonGrid and later released the NetApp Connect function.
It was later descontinued do to reasons??
I´m now looking for alternatives to this.
Is there any experience out there on Mobile Access... prefferable like NetApp Connect, so no VPN solution to access file shares.
We want some type of app that secures the content of our fileshares, and access to sharepoint etc that was available in NetApp Connect would be really good.
So, any experience out there that can guide me in the right direction?
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OK, got it to work (attached my simple version)
Next problem is that when I import it and then filter it as I want to.. for exampel just show one specific SVM.
Then after I save it I can´t share it via email.. only get an error..
This means that I have to create a new for every singel SVM and filter it in the BIRT creation process..??
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Hi there..
In my old 7-mode system I hade a userquota report scheduled to send directly to one of our customers.
Now in CDOT the standard reporting tool are quite limited.
So..looking into BIRT to create a UserQuota report for a special SVM. The Online Automation Store is quite slim with only 3 reports to download.
I have found some tutorials to create a Aggregate and volume report etc .. that works fine, but can´t seem to get the userquota report to work.
Anyone who has done one and can share? Or give me some pointers on the values needed?
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Thanks.. this solved my problems.
As Windows AD 2016 seems to have SMB1 disabled by default our customer got alot of problems after updating the AD servers..
@BradStoltzTA wrote:
If you have disabled SMBv1 on your domain controllers
you need to make sure you have your SVM set to use SMB2 for Domain Controller Connection.
We disabled SMBv1 across the organisation in order to prevent any potential issues with the recent ransomeware exploits of SMBv1 (Petya and WannaCry)
Run the following command sets the SVM to use SMB2 and disable SMB1, and you will be able to join the AD domain with SMBv1 disabled on the domain controller. (you must be in advanced privelege mode to run this command [set advanced])
cifs security modify -vserver <SVM-Name> -smb1-enabled-for-dc-connections false -smb2-enabled-for-dc-connections true
Hope this saves someone else the several hours i spent pulling my hair out today trying to resolve.
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