Active IQ Unified Manager Discussions

OCUM 7.1P2 and OCPM 7.1P2 VMware Virtual Hardware Version


I recently had to take over the administration for our Netapp so please bear with me even if my questions are a bit noobish.

For the newest VMware security patches all VMs must be Hardware Version 9 or higher. Our OCUM and OCPM are on Version 8. I don't really see a problem with upgrading them but I couldn't find anything in the documentation and according to several policies (and laws) I have to document that there is not going to be a problem. So if someone could point me to the right documentation for the virtual appliances I'd be grateful. If there isn't any documentation, personal experiences or opinion would also help. The automatic upgrade would upgrade to Hardware Version 11.

Also, the VMs have to be shutdown for the upgrade. Is there a problem with shutting them both down? There are "only" management so the ONTAP should just keep working right?

Thanks in advanve for your help





Here is the OPM 7.1 and UM 7.1 Documentation. It lists the VMware software requirement, but no hardware requirement.


Virtual appliance requirements The VMware ESXi server on which the virtual appliance is deployed must meet minimum resource requirements. The following versions of VMware ESXi are supported: • ESXi 5.5 and updates • ESXi 6.0, 6.0 U1, and 6.0 U2 The following versions of VMware vSphere are supported: • VMware vCenter Server 5.5 and updates • VMware vCenter Server 6.0, 6.0 U1, and 6.0 U2 Important: The VMware ESXi server must use the same time as the NTP server so that the virtual appliance functions correctly. Synchronizing the VMware ESXi server time with the NTP server time avoids a time failure.

Virtual appliance requirements The VMware ESXi server on which the virtual appliance is deployed must meet minimum resource requirements. The following versions of VMware ESXi are supported: • ESXi 5.5 and updates • ESXi 6.0, 6.0 U1, and 6.0 U2 See the Interoperability Matrix for the complete and most current list of supported ESXi versions. The following versions of vSphere are supported: • VMware vCenter Server 5.5 and updates • VMware vCenter Server 6.0, 6.0 U1, and 6.0 U2 System requirements for deploying the Unified Manager virtual appliance.


You are correct - during upgrade, you will have some downtime for UM and OPM, but the ONTAP cluster itself will continue to run without any interruption caused by the UM/OPM upgrade.




Thanks Juliad,


I figured that the ONTAP CLuster would function normally even if UM and PM are down but it's good to have someone confirm it Man Happy


Also, I haven't had a Virtual Machine or Appliance that broke when you upgraded the virtual Hardware Version but still a confirmation would be nice that the UM and PM appliance will continue with a higher virtual Hardware version.
