Active IQ Unified Manager Discussions

OCUM reports aggregate space full on root aggregate


Dear all

Just looking for other users experience ... if someone has an explanation or solution even better!

So here we go: 

our company runs 3 clusters, actual version 8.3RC2

it looks like Ontap is filling the root aggregates with logs, performance archives etc up to 84.5% (one pairs root aggr are 414GB, the other pair 213GB, already added additional disk - still 84.5% usage)

now OnCommand Unified Manager alarms a "aggregate space full" condition on one - and only one - root aggregate:

"Trigger Condition - The full threshold set at 85% is breached. 180.29 GB (84.58%) of 213.16 GB is used."



- why is an alarm raised (85%), when usage is at 84.58%?

- why only for one node? all other nodes have exactly the same configuration and usage ...


Next I tried to set the threshold for that specific aggregate - but unfortunately OCUM tells me "The thresholds values are not applicable to the root aggregate."

Any other idea to get rid of this nagging alarm than set the global threshold to 86% or higher?



