In comparing the storage admin experiene between 7.3.3 and 8.0.1 7-mode I observed the following behavior:
On 7.3.3 you get:
Filer1> options autosupport.doit TEST
Filer1> Fri Mar 4 12:38:45 EST [Filer1: asup.smtp.sent:notice]: Cluster Notification mail sent: Cluster Alert from Filer1
Fri Mar 4 12:39:04 EST [Filer1: asup.smtp.sent:notice]: Cluster Notification mail sent: Cluster Notification from Filer1 (USER_TRIGGERED (TEST)) INFO
Fri Mar 4 12:39:10 EST [Filer1:]: Cluster Notification message posted to NetApp: Cluster Notification from Filer1 (USER_TRIGGERED (TEST)) INFO
With 8.0.1 you get:
Filer2> options autosupport.doit TEST
Fri Mar 4 13:01:25 EST [Filer2: callhome.invoke:info]: Call home for USER_TRIGGERED (TEST)
There is a certain amount of warm and fuzzy you get from seeing the asup.smtp.sent:notice and messages in 7.3.3 (depending on whether you are using SMTP or HTTP/S or both).
Is there a reason the confirmation messages are not shown in 8.0.1?
Is there some setting that needs to be configured?
Or is this by design?
Any ideas or comments welcome.