Data Protection
Data Protection
As for SC 3.6 it was easy to do an unattended agent install. See for the discussion.
We are running SC on a Microsoft Windows environment.
SC 4.x agent uses java and I found an "install.bat" to do the installation.
Can someone provide me the correct parameters of the "install.bat" so I can just copy the SC agent folder to an other machine and run the "install.bat"
Kris Boeckx
Solved! See The Solution
I've got this one working ... This is making my live easier. 1-click install of the SC Agent with the correct settings op the "allowed_commands.config" file.
This example is for snapcreator agent 4.1.1 - and is a quick and dirty implementation.
@echo off cmd /c "C:\Program Files\NetApp\Snap_Creator_Framework\uninstall.exe" pause xcopy "%~dp0x64" "C:\Program Files\NetApp\Snap_Creator_Framework\" /S /Y pause call "C:\Program Files\NetApp\Snap_Creator_Framework\scAgent4.1.1\install.bat" agent "C:\Progra~1\NetApp\Snap_Creator_Framework" " " 9090 pause
The first command is used to uninstall previous snapcreator agent
The second command copies the agent files to the computer where the script is run on
The third line installs the snapcreator agent service.
Kris Boeckx
I believe that the install.bat file you have pointed out is used by our installed to install the services for the scServer / scAgent.
I am not aware of what parameters would be needed to run this manually.
I sent a note to the development team to inquire if anyone can help answer this.
When I get a response I'll update the thread unless someone else answers first.
I've got this one working ... This is making my live easier. 1-click install of the SC Agent with the correct settings op the "allowed_commands.config" file.
This example is for snapcreator agent 4.1.1 - and is a quick and dirty implementation.
@echo off cmd /c "C:\Program Files\NetApp\Snap_Creator_Framework\uninstall.exe" pause xcopy "%~dp0x64" "C:\Program Files\NetApp\Snap_Creator_Framework\" /S /Y pause call "C:\Program Files\NetApp\Snap_Creator_Framework\scAgent4.1.1\install.bat" agent "C:\Progra~1\NetApp\Snap_Creator_Framework" " " 9090 pause
The first command is used to uninstall previous snapcreator agent
The second command copies the agent files to the computer where the script is run on
The third line installs the snapcreator agent service.
Kris Boeckx