ONTAP Discussions
ONTAP Discussions
Hello , i have 2 x fas2020 each with one controller im wondering wich solution is the best to have almost HA without additioal cards and lincese !
NetBackup ???! Microsoft Cluster ??! wan speed 10mb/s , asynchronous replication ? 12 hours RPO !
Thank you
Happy New Year and welcome to the community
Not sure how you mean, HA? Do you want hardware HA or just a 2nd copy of the data on the 2nd FAS2020?
Thank you Brendon
I am sorry to report to you that you will not be able to cluster these two independent single head chassis. The reason is that the NVRAM is integrated and it uses the backplane of the FAS2020 chassis to connect. This is the same on FAS2050, FAS2040, and older FAS270's.
There are no work arounds for this.
You can, however, use SnapMirror to mirror the data from one side to the other. The main caveat to this is that the destination is in read only mode until you break the mirror or create a Flex Clone.
Your requirement of not adding hardware or additional licenses is lost on the above solution as it requires two licenses.
I managed to find the way , i create a indetical volume on both netapp's and i map the 2 fas to one esxi . One Fas and one esxi in one location and the second location the same . So i map the both netapp nfs on the first esxi , i scheduled a snapcopy of the volume friady at 9:00 pm. and i scheduled a ssh putty job in one server to start copy the .snpshot to the second fas against the esxi , at 9:10 pm !
This is the way to have a chep disaster recovery site VM in case of disaster without spending money on second controler card's and licenses ! And without Virtual Centrer too.
Have you tested a recovery to ensure the data is crash consistent? Simply copying data between systems is no guarantee you captured everything necessary to recover from a disaster. Better to test your solution now than a few months later and discover you have been running without a working backup all this time.
yes , Michael i made some test and the data is ok because i copy the vmdk , i upgraded the connection to GB and i schejueled the cp every night .The only problem is that i have is the need to delete the oldes copy of the backup vmdk to be able to copy the new version so i have a 90 min of non HA - if something happet in that moment i have no HA i have to do it like d2d2t so i will put first to tape before delete the oldest vmdk second location!