As the underneath replication engine in your case is already XDP, I think edit/modify existing policy-type to MirrorAndVault should not be an issue, but I am not sure 100%. You can always test one.
- SnapMirror invoked in DP mode uses version-dependent replication engine = ONTAP version
is required to be the same on primary and secondary (or higher) storage.
- SnapMirror invoked in XDP mode used a version-flexible replication engine = Supports different ONTAP versions on primary and secondary storage
Starting with ONTAP 9.3, XDP mode has been made the new default.
-type (Relation type) = XDP [Previously DP]
-Policy-type = async-mirror,vault,MirrorAndVault
-Policy = can be :
a) MirrorAllSnapshots = DR
b) XDPDefault = SnapVault
c) MirrorAndVault = Unified [Mirror + Vault]
This command will tell us the type,policy-type and policy info:
SANCL1::> snapmirror show -fields type,policy,policy-type
This is just an example [on 9.1]: Hence, this will differ from you.
Type Policy policy-type
x:nfs1 y:nfs_dr1 DP DPDefault async-mirror
x:nfs2 y:nfs_dr2 DP MirrorAllSnapshots async-mirror
x:nfs3 y:nfs_dr3 XDP XDPDefault vault
Can we know the output of the above command ?