We are facing issue with FPolicy notifications (NetApp C-Mode 8.2)not received by FPolicy Server and fpolicy engine disocnnect reason is :"No local lif present to connect to FPolicy server."
We have a Fpolicy Server :ServerA.domain.com
This FPolicy Server caters to synchronous event request.
We have a (NetApp C-Mode 8.2) VServerA on which Resident FPolicy has been registered successfully.
ServerA.domain.com (FPOLICY SERVER) is able to receive FPolicy notifications from VServerA
Now, We register another server VServerB on which Resident FPolicy has been registered successfully, BUT the FPOLICY SERVER is NOT receiving ANY FPolicy notifications.
2 Physical nodes with to controllers each.
Each Vserver has single Data + Management LIF.
When we ran this command on the CLI, it gave us the following results.
VServerB::vserver fpolicy> show-engine -fields node,disconnect-reason
node vserver policy-name server disconnect-reason
---------- -------- -------------------- ----------- -----------------
NODE-02 VServerB NetappCModeFPolicy ""
NODE-03 VServerB NetappCModeFPolicy "No local lif present to connect to FPolicy server."