Hey all,
I'm experimenting wiht OT Select in our lab. Today I upgraded Deploy to 2.10 to be able to use
software RAID with ESX as I have a host (former Cisco Hyperflex node) without a hardware RAID controller.
I could add the host and Deploy can get the inventory just fine.
However, when I try to create a single node cluster on the host after entering the basic cluster details
I get an error message stating
"Invalid Output: Additional properties are not allowed (u'host_uuid' was unexpected) Failed validating 'additionalProperties' in schema [..]"
At the end of the output I can see that it read the hosts UUID, however I can not proceed with creating the cluster
as there is no host in the dropdown menu to select as a destination.
Has anyone else had this problem as well? All help would be welcome.. 🙂