ONTAP Discussions
ONTAP Discussions
Was wondering if i could get some help, i've gone and deployed vFiler DR's using the OnCommand Manager plugin but now we have to go and mess w/ the snapmirror schedules as we are running out of slots for semi-sync.
I was wondering is there a way to recreate the schedule for the snapmirror without breaking the vFiler DR or causing a sync of data up to DR.
We are currently running Data ONTAP 8.1.3 in 7-Mode
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It would be snapmirror.conf on the target system... where the dr vfiler is stopped and updating. Did you check the target?
Yes. Edit /etc/snapmirror.conf... or system manager update the schedule. vfiler dr mirrors are handled by vfiler0, not in the vfiler itself, and use the snapmirror.conf file in vfiler0.
I wish the snapmirrors were shown there but as soon as I make a vFiler DR the snapmirrors disappear from the snapmirror.conf.
Does "rdfile /etc/snapmirror.conf" show the entries? It might just be masking them... unless Protection Manager is handling the scheduling.
when i run rdfile /etc/snapmirror.conf I only get the snapmirror relationships that are outside the vFiler.
It would be snapmirror.conf on the target system... where the dr vfiler is stopped and updating. Did you check the target?
Your right it was on the target system, I thought i had checked this SMH..... Thanks for helping me find it 🙂
Very good... vFilers are fun. I wrote the training labs for MultiStore years ago (Insight conference training)...don't get to touch them much anymore with almost everything cDOT in my world.
We've never used Protection Manager that I know of, is that a additional component to install or is it a part of one of the other software suites?
It is part of the NetApp Management Console (NMC) that is downloaded from OnCommand Unified Manager (OpsManager/DFM). It sounds like you have the windows oncommand plugin installed?
Also i'm running System Manager 3.1.2RC2 but the snapmirrors can be quiesce'd or abort'd thats it.....