I'm deleting the existing volume on the snapmirror destination to make way for vFiler migrate to re-init the snapmirror.
But Provisioning Manager is erroring out in the vFiler migrate (see below) since it thinks the deleted volume is still existing on the destination.
I follow the suggestion to run dfm host discover <filer with deleted volume> and tried it several times via the MC refresh, but it will not clear.
Any ideas besides rebooting the DFM?
Conformance Results
=== SEVERITY ===
Error: Attention: Failed to select a resource.
=== ACTION ===
Select a destination resource for migrating
=== REASON ===
Storage system : 'na01.school.edu'(151):
- Volumes by same name as 'video' already exist on the storage system 'irt-na01.stanford.edu'(151).
Suggestions related to storage system 'na01.school.edu'(151):
- Destroy the volumes on the storage system and refresh host information either by executing 'dfm host discover' CLI or navigate to 'Hosts > Storage Systems' page in Management Console and press 'Refresh' button.