In the following example, the original source (the one disabled by the disaster) is systemA:vol/volA and the original destination is systemB:/vol/volB. You use a combination of snapmirror break and snapmirror resync or snapmirror initialize commands to perform the following tasks:
In this example, all data from the last scheduled SnapMirror Snapshot copy before the source was
disabled and all the data written to systemB:vol/volB after it was made writable is preserved. Any
data written to systemA:vol/volA between the last SnapMirror Snapshot copy and the time that
systemA:vol/volA was disabled is not preserved.
1. After the source volume (in this case, systemA:volA) is disabled, use the snapmirror break
command to make the destination volume, systemB:volB, writable.
snapmirror break systemB:volB
2. Redirect the clients of source systemA to source systemB.
The former clients of systemA are now accessing and writing to systemB.
3. Temporarily make the original source volume a read-only destination volume.
• If systemA:volA is recoverable, and its data is intact, then use the snapmirror resync
command on systemA to resynchronize systemA with systemB.
snapmirror resync -S systemB:VolB systemA:volA
• If systemA:volA is unrecoverable, make a new volA on systemA, and from systemA,
initialize systemA:volA from systemB.
snapmirror initialize -S systemB:volB systemA:volA
This command also makes systemA:volA a read-only destination.
Note: These commands need to be performed on the original source system.
4. Redirect the clients from systemB to systemA.
The clients cannot access or write to systemA:volA, but they are no longer writing new data to
5. Update systemA:volA from systemB to transfer the latest data from systemB.
Perform the following step from systemA.
snapmirror update -S systemB:volB systemA:volA
6. Use the snapmirror break command to make systemA:volA writable. On systemA, enter
the following command:
snapmirror break volA
7. On systemB, use the snapmirror resync command to make systemB, the original
destination, the destination again.
snapmirror resync volB
1.snapmirror Update -s filer2;mir-vol2 filer1:vol1