ONTAP Discussions
ONTAP Discussions
I am using Netapp Ontap 9.1 and WFA
I want to enable/disable encryption using Netapp WFA but I am not able to see option to enable/disable encryption on volume
Solved! See The Solution
Try downloading and Installing the latest cDOT pack:
The "Create Volume" certified command has an "$EncryptVolume" parameter.
[parameter(Mandatory=$false, HelpMessage="Volume encrypt. This parameter will work only for clusters running ONTAP versions 9.1.0 and above.")] [bool]$EncryptVolume,
It should be visable in the "Other Parameters" tab (only set this for volumes created on ONTAP 9.1 or above). EG
Hope that helps
Try downloading and Installing the latest cDOT pack:
The "Create Volume" certified command has an "$EncryptVolume" parameter.
[parameter(Mandatory=$false, HelpMessage="Volume encrypt. This parameter will work only for clusters running ONTAP versions 9.1.0 and above.")] [bool]$EncryptVolume,
It should be visable in the "Other Parameters" tab (only set this for volumes created on ONTAP 9.1 or above). EG
Hope that helps
Issue got fixed, its working fine, thank you.
Hi ,
I tried to encrypt existing volume using WFA "Move Volume" command . but I am facing issue .
When I provide value for "EncryptDestination" as "true" from "Other Parameters" tab in "Move Volume" command.
It gives me an error "Found vlaue 'true' - valid values are 'true false'"
Please find attached screenshot for referance.
Hi Kailas,
Are you using the NetApp Certified "Move Volume" command? If so and it's a bug you can log a support case (let me know the case number for review)
I had a look through the command code and didn't notice any issues but added to it. This might help debugging. Can you post a screenshot of the execution plan\logs?
Param( [Parameter(Mandatory=$True, HelpMessage="The Cluster name or IP address")] [String]$Cluster, [Parameter(Mandatory=$True, HelpMessage="The Data ONTAP version installed on the cluster")] [String]$OntapVersion, [Parameter(Mandatory=$True, HelpMessage="The name of the volume to be moved")] [String]$VolumeName, [Parameter(Mandatory=$True, HelpMessage="The name of the vserver hosting the volume")] [String]$VserverName, [Parameter(Mandatory=$True, HelpMessage="The name of the aggregate to which the volume will be moved")] [String]$DestinationAggregate, [Parameter(Mandatory=$False, HelpMessage="Specify to Encrypt the Destination Volume. This parameter will work only for clusters running ONTAP versions 9.1.0 and above.")] [Bool]$EncryptDestination, [Parameter(Mandatory=$False, HelpMessage="The volume security style.")] [ValidateSet("mixed","unix", "ntfs")] [String]$SecurityStyle, [Parameter(Mandatory=$False, HelpMessage="Generate New Key for Destination Volume. This parameter will work only for clusters running ONTAP versions 9.2.0 and above.")] [Bool]$GenerateDestinationKey, [Parameter(Mandatory=$False, HelpMessage="The time to complete cutover in seconds. Default value is 45 seconds")] [Int]$CutoverWindow=45, [Parameter(Mandatory=$False, HelpMessage="The number of cutover attempts. Default value is 3")] [Int]$CutoverAttempts=3, [Parameter(Mandatory=$False, HelpMessage="The action to be taken for cutover")] [ValidateSet("abort_on_failure", "defer_on_failure", "force","wait")] [String]$CutoverAction="defer_on_failure", [Parameter(Mandatory=$False, HelpMessage="The tiering policy that is to be associated with the volume.")] [String]$TieringPolicy, [Parameter(Mandatory=$False, HelpMessage="The maximum number of ZAPI retry attempts.")] [Int]$ZapiRetryCount ) #'------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #'Connect to the cluster #'------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Connect-WfaCluster $Cluster #'------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #'Ensure command input parameters are valid with the ONTAP version. #'------------------------------------------------------------------------------ $versionComparisionValue910 = Compare-OntapVersions $OntapVersion '9.1.0' If($EncryptDestination){ If($versionComparisionValue910 -lt 0){ Throw "Destination volume encryption can only be specified only on clusters running ONTAP version 9.1.0 and above" } } If((-Not($EncryptDestination)) -And ($GenerateDestinationKey)){ Throw "The 'EncryptDestination' parameter should be true when the 'GenerateDestinationKey' is specified" } Get-WFALogger -Info -Message "Command Parameter Validation completed successfully" #'------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #'Validate the volume move operation. #'------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Try{ Get-WFALogger -Info -message "Validating move operation for volume ""$VolumeName"" on vserver ""$VserverName"" to aggregate ""$DestinationAggregate""" Start-NcVolMove $VolumeName -DestinationAggregate $DestinationAggregate -Vserver $VserverName -CutoverWindow $CutoverWindow -CutoverAttempts $CutoverAttempts -CutoverAction $CutoverAction -ValidateOnly -ErrorAction Stop Get-WFALogger -Info -message $("Validation completed successfully") }Catch{ Throw $("Failed to validate the volume move operation for volume ""$VolumeName"" on vserver ""$VserverName"". Error " + $_.Exception.Message) } #'------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #'Check if there is already an acitve job for the volume to the same destination. #'------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [Bool]$TriggerVolMoveJob = $True $value = Compare-OntapVersions $OntapVersion '8.1.1' #'------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #'Note: volume-move-get-iter API is available only from 8.1.1 onwards. #'------------------------------------------------------------------------------ If($value -gt -1){ $jobQuery = Get-NcVolMove -Template $jobQuery.DestinationAggregate = $DestinationAggregate $jobQuery.Volume = $VolumeName $jobQuery.Vserver = $VserverName $moveJobs = @(Get-NcVolMove -Query $jobQuery) ForEach($volMoveJob In $moveJobs){ If(($volMoveJob.State -ne "done") -And ($volMoveJob.State -ne "failed")){ Get-WFALogger -Info -Message $("The Volume move job for volume ""$VolumeName"" on vserver ""$VserverName"" was already started to aggregate ""$DestinationAggregate"" with job status of " + $volMoveJob.State + ".") [Bool]$TriggerVolMoveJob = $False } } } #'------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #'Move the volume. #'------------------------------------------------------------------------------ If($TriggerVolMoveJob){ If($GenerateDestinationKey){ [String]$command = "Start-NcVolMove $VolumeName -EncryptDestination -GenerateDestinationKey -DestinationAggregate $DestinationAggregate -Vserver $VserverName -CutoverWindow $CutoverWindow -CutoverAttempts $CutoverAttempts -CutoverAction $CutoverAction " }ElseIf($EncryptDestination -eq $True){ [String]$command = "Start-NcVolMove $VolumeName -EncryptDestination -DestinationAggregate $DestinationAggregate -Vserver $VserverName -CutoverWindow $CutoverWindow -CutoverAttempts $CutoverAttempts -CutoverAction $CutoverAction " }ElseIf($EncryptDestination -eq $False){ [String]$command = "Start-NcVolMove $VolumeName -DecryptDestination -DestinationAggregate $DestinationAggregate -Vserver $VserverName -CutoverWindow $CutoverWindow -CutoverAttempts $CutoverAttempts -CutoverAction $CutoverAction " }Else{ [String]$command = "Start-NcVolMove $VolumeName -DestinationAggregate $DestinationAggregate -Vserver $VserverName -CutoverWindow $CutoverWindow -CutoverAttempts $CutoverAttempts -CutoverAction $CutoverAction " } If($TieringPolicy){ [String]$command += "-TieringPolicy $TieringPolicy " } [String]$command += "-ErrorAction Stop" Try{ Invoke-Expression -Command $command -ErrorAction Stop Get-WFALogger -Info -Message "Executed Command`: $command" }Catch{ Get-WFALogger -Error -Message $("Failed Executing Command`: $command. Error " + $_.Exception.Message) Throw $("Failed to start moving volume ""$VolumeName"" on vserver ""$VserverName"" to aggregate ""$DestinationAggregate"". Error " + $_.Exception.Message) } If($job.Status -eq "Succeeded"){ Get-WFALogger -Info -Message $("The Volume ""$VolumeName"" on vserver ""$VserverName"" was already moved to aggregate ""$DestinationAggregate"".") }Else{ Get-WFALogger -Info -Message $("Started moving volume ""$VolumeName"" on vserver ""$VserverName"" to aggregate ""$DestinationAggregate"" (job " + $job.JobId + ")") } } #'------------------------------------------------------------------------------