ONTAP Discussions
ONTAP Discussions
Hi all,
I'm trying to set up ONTAP Edge, but I'm having trouble getting dvadmin to log into vsphere or esx systems. It keeps giving me error 32: bad username or password, but I am certain I am using the correct username / password. I get the same issue whether I'm connecting to the VC or an ESX server directly. Here's the output:
[root@str9-ontap-v-admin ~]# dvadmin -s fpi-vc5 -h esx5_node4 -u administrator
Password for vSphere user administrator@fpi-vc5:
NetApp Data ONTAP-v Administration Tool RR0__1.0.1 Rrr0N_110806_0401_1424095_201108060402
Copyright (C) 1992-2011 NetApp.
All rights reserved.
Logging in administrator@fpi-vc5
Error: [32] LoginFailed: cannot login to "fpi-vc5" - bad username or password
I can login through the VC to the virtual host when I run vCLI commands, so I think the underlying VMware perl SDK is functioning correctly (assuming the pre-req is there because dvadmin leverages it). Here's a sample output:
[root@str9-ontap-v-admin ~]# esxcli --server fpi-vc5 --username administrator --vihost esx5_node4 network ip interface list
Enter password:
Name: vmk1
MAC Address: 00:50:56:77:36:30
Enabled: true
Portset: DvsPortset-5
Portgroup: N/A
VDS Name: 3e 98 29 50 00 43 77 3b-12 18 04 1d fe c0 60 6f
VDS Port: 163
VDS Connection: 1384740202
MTU: 1500
TSO MSS: 65535
Port ID: 33554460
Any ideas, or any ideas where I might find a log with more information? (/var/log/messages has no entries, /var/log/dvadmin/ is just an empty directory)
Solved! See The Solution
Hi Bryan,
You are using ESX 5 with dvadmin 1.0.1.
dvadmin 1.1.0 is the right version of dvadmin that should be used with ESX5.0 and is tested.
There would be compatibility issue using the combination you are using.
Hi Bryan,
You are using ESX 5 with dvadmin 1.0.1.
dvadmin 1.1.0 is the right version of dvadmin that should be used with ESX5.0 and is tested.
There would be compatibility issue using the combination you are using.
Hi Bryan,
Hana is correct that dvadmin 1.0.1 and vSphere 5 have issues and that you should move to 1.1.0. However, you may be able to work around this issue in 1.0.1 by running this command before starting dvadmin:
Thanks both. I hadn't realised I was using a back version; I upgraded to dvadmin-1.1.0 and all is well.