ONTAP Discussions
ONTAP Discussions
hello all,
is it possible to make a management SVM with web gui for client?
want to separate control so clients can manage their own volumes etc and not be at the cluster level.
EDIT: using ontap 9.8
many thanks!
Solved! See The Solution
Let me update one of my statements:
ONTAP refuses to let you create any node MGMT LIF or cluster MGMT except in an ADMIN SVM
Yes you can, make sure you enable "SVM administrators", it assigned the "vsadmin" role by default. (not admin)
Having a second Management SVM is not possible. Each ONTAP cluster is allowed (1) ADMIN vserver only. Believe me, I have tried. I made a new IPspace and then tried...ONTAP refuses to let you create any node MGMT LIF except in an ADMIN SVM.
Yes: you can enable and create users for DATA SVMs, but that is not cluster MGMT...only NODE MGMT and even then, I think you are limited to CLI. Not even sure if the GUI will work.
Let me update one of my statements:
ONTAP refuses to let you create any node MGMT LIF or cluster MGMT except in an ADMIN SVM
You can make an SVM Admin with only SVM capability but there is no GUI Access just for a SVM. GUI is only avaible for whole cluster. For Service Provider it is only possible to give a CLI Access for his customers.
thanks, I only wanted to have them be able to access a GUI for the SVM only and not the cluster. ill see if the CLI is capable of making changes they may need to manage themselves.
And that is ONLY SVM admin. It is not cluster admin. It my eyes the original post was not clear if they wanted a second cluster admin SVM or just to enable admin for a data svm
I only wanted to have clients to make changes in their individual SVM, not at the cluster level.