I have a question on the relation between snapmirror and snapvault
I have 2 prerequesites on my infrastructure
1 creating a recovery site for all productions sites (only one recovery site)
2 backuping volumes of all production sites with a retention of one year in the recovery site
here is the question
is it possible to do a volume snapmirror from all sites to a central filer (this is to have the recovery site)
and to apply a snapvault from the central filer to itself using the snapmirrored snapshots as the base data for snapvault?
an example to better understand my issue
10 sites with 5 volumes of 1OO GB each are snap mirrored to a central filer
the result is 50 volumes of 100GB in the central filer so 5 tB
I need to backup those 5TB with the retention of one year.
in theory snapvault wil do an initialize transfer to duplicate those 5TB in the same filer and will provide x snapshots during one year to give the requested retention
Is it possible for snapvault not to do the initial replication and so to do the snapshots directly from the initial snapshot of the volume snapmirror?