Simulator Discussions

8.1 c-mode simulator 1st time setup


Hi All

I do have experience with 7-mode systems, and want to try new ONTAP 8.1 c-mode. I'm noobie with c-mode and c-mode simulator.

I think I lack simulator and c-mode setup knowledge. Unfortunately Simulator docs explain how to startup simulator itself, but send me to ONTAP docs to setup the system. Still don't know how to add more disks to Simulator for example.

I installed ESX version of 8.1 c-mode simulator - i.e. two virtual machines = two nodes. Created a new cluster and added the second node to the cluster. Will this config work with simulator and no HA pairs?

1. I don't see aggregates: disk show shows me aggr0 on both nodes, but aggr show returns an empty list.

MauCluster::> disk show

                     Usable           Container

Disk                   Size Shelf Bay Type        Position   Aggregate Owner

---------------- ---------- ----- --- ----------- ---------- --------- --------

MauNode1:v4.16       1020MB     -   - aggregate   dparity    aggr0     MauNode1

MauNode1:v4.17       1020MB     -   - aggregate   parity     aggr0     MauNode1

MauNode1:v4.18       1020MB     -   - aggregate   data       aggr0     MauNode1

MauNode1:v4.19       1020MB     -   - spare       present    -         MauNode1

----more disks skipped------

MauNode2:v5.16       1020MB     -   - aggregate   dparity    aggr0     MauNode2

MauNode2:v5.17       1020MB     -   - aggregate   parity     aggr0     MauNode2

MauNode2:v5.18       1020MB     -   - aggregate   data       aggr0     MauNode2

MauNode2:v5.19       1020MB     -   - spare       present    -         MauNode2

----more disks skipped------

MauCluster::> aggr show

This table is currently empty.

2. I can't create aggregate, it returns  "Error: command failed: Failed to load job for Create aggr1: Not initialized" from both System Manager and CLI.

Some more info:

MauCluster::> cluster show

Node                  Health  Eligibility

--------------------- ------- ------------

MauNode1              true    true

MauNode2              true    true

2 entries were displayed.

MauCluster::> vserver show

                    Admin     Root                  Name    Name

Vserver     Type    State     Volume     Aggregate  Service Mapping

----------- ------- --------- ---------- ---------- ------- -------

MauCluster  admin   -         -          -          -       -

MauCluster::> volume show

This table is currently empty.

What am I missing?

Thank you .




can u tell me how you created another cluster and setup all this.

I have installed simulator and m stuck. It shows me a weird command prompt where i can't type the usual commands.



I had only two nodes.

There are no usual 7-mode commands there are Cluster-Mode commands. The simulator is shutdown right now so I can't tell you the command precisely. There is a command for creating a cluster and adding nodes to cluster. There should be one cluster with several nodes in it, not several clusters.

By the way try http/https to node address there is some kind of WEB interface.

