Simulator Discussions
Simulator Discussions
Come on NetApp Sim team. These are need for test purposes and transition planning. Since they are still supported they should be available. Please put the links back.
Agree, we have the same problem. migrating to cDOt and need these for testing.
Those old versions are tgz archives. Once extracted you can convert them to ova files with ovftool:
ovftool --allowAllExtraConfig --extraConfig:monitor_control.pseudo_perfctr=TRUE --extraConfig:timeTracker.forceMonotonicTTAT=TRUE --extraConfig:monitor_control.disable_tsc_offsetting=TRUE --extraConfig:monitor_control.disable_rdtscopt_bt=TRUE <path to>\DataONTAP.vmx DataONTAP.ova
8.3+ doesn't need all the extraConfig but older versions may panic without it.
Thank you very much for that info!
Hi all,
Enjoy (for as long as it lasts):
If you want other versions, adjust the link.
I may be late to the party but we did see this request & let the PM know people were looking for older versions and she had them added. Feel free to reach out when stuff like this happens -- either to me as a private message (which will ensure I see it) or continue to post in the Developer Network. We are a small community team but will always do our best to help.
Simulate ONTAP 8.2.2 has been added to Toolchest
Thanks thats just what we needed.