Hi everyone,
I am trying to evaluate NetApp vVOLs functionality in the following nested environment: NetApp simbox Ontap 9.7, vCenter Server 6.5 U2, ESXi hosts 6.5 U2, VSC 9.7.1. According to NetApp Compatibility Matrix tool all the components are compatible and the infrastructure is supported. vVOLs are not in the list of simbox limitations or unsupported features.
However, there is something wrong with vVOLs in this environment. While provisionning vVOL datastore from the NetApp vCenter plugin, i always facing the same error - "NetApp Datastore allocation, Contaier create failed" . Unfortuantely there are not much details on this error, nothing in ESXi event logs. I downloaded and reviewed VSC logs, but also could not find anything which may give me a clue on what is wrong with my configuration. So i even could no get if the problem in a NetApp or ESXi level.
Unlike vVOLs creation, provisioning regular NFS volumes and iSCSI lun works OK. datastores are created and successfully mapped to all hosts in the vsphere cluster, accessible for VMs creation\migration.
I would greatly appreciate if someone could share his experience in configuring vVOLs.