Software Development Kit (SDK) and API Discussions
Software Development Kit (SDK) and API Discussions
I have setup the DataONTAP cluster mode simulator on VMWare.
I created an NFS share, connected to it and created a directory and a file in that directory.
When I try to query the client stats using the NfsStatsGetClientStatsRequest (via the Java API Bindings) I get the following error...
"Error : 13005 Unable to find API: nfs-stats-get-client-stats"
How can I enabled NFS Client Stats in the simulator ? OR it is not possible at all to enable those APIs on a simulator. I am assuming that the license info is correct since I was able to create an NFS share and was also able to write to it.
When I connect to the simulator using a browser though, I can see the NFS stats buried deep inside the Web UI. Is there some other way to query NFS Stats other than the NFS Client Stats related API calls ?
Try to enable this option :
# options nfs.per_client_stats.enable on
and use perfstat script.
Hi Said,
Thanks for the help.
I am a bit new at these things (actually, totally new )
Should that option be enabled from the VLOADER prompt ?
Also, where can I find that perfstat script please.
Also, when I said "Is there another way to query NFS stats" I meant to ask whether there was a different way from within the API to query the NFS Client Stats...
Hi Bill,
I'm sorry, I believed that you were mode7. I have not experienced cluster mode enough.
On 7mode, there is an options nfs.per_client_stats.enable that enable to have NFS stat per client.
To get these stat you run perfstat ( which is software provide by Netapp ( now)) on a Unix or windows client.
Sorry one more time.