Software Development Kit (SDK) and API Discussions
Software Development Kit (SDK) and API Discussions
We are making a system which is monitoring NetApp storage array and we need help in the understanding of data.I just want to know that for cluster mode, is it possible to have a same serial number and system ID for multiple storage arrays?
The sysid and serial number of each node should be unique, and will be when the controllers are physical. The serial number of the cluster is cluster wide, and although it _should_ be unique to the cluster, its not uncommon to see people reusing the cluster base key, so you'll see a lot of 99's and 08's in the field where people used a temp cluster base key and never applied the real one. You'll also see a lot of 23's because thats what is used on the assorted VSA platforms.
If a user will create multiple clusters with that temp cluster base key, will have the same sys-id and serial number for all clusters? If yes then how can we uniquely identify them?
Clusters don't have sysids, they only have serial numbers, formatted 1-80-xxxxxx. The nodes within the clusters will have unique serial numbers and sysids, aside from a few corner cases involving sims, Edge evals, etc. Clusters also have UUIDs, which can disambiguate cases where a duplicate base key was used.
Thanks for your suggestions.
Now as I told we are monitoring data for both Cluster-mode and 7-mode. For Cluster-mode we can use cluster-uuid as an ID field but for 7-mode is there also same issue(duplication of system-id or serial number for multiple filers)? For 7-mode we can use this field as an unique field ? If not then can you please help?
Serial number is associated with controller (motherboard) and systemid is associated with NVRAM. It is in principle possible to replace these parts or exchange them between controllers. So at least in case of hardware replacement due to component fault these numbers may change. You will need to updated them in your system.