Is using the NetApp PowerShell Toolkit an option?
Would be very simple to map the VMware datastore NFS mount to the ONTAP SVM LIF + junction path to get the volume (and aggr) info. For block based datastores, it's not much more difficult...use the LUN's naa ID to reverse engineer the ONTAP LUN serial number:
$naluns = Get-NcLun
$ds = Get-Datastore | ?{ $_.Type -eq "VMFS" }
$ds | %{
Write-Host "Finding LUNs for datastore $($_.Name)"
$luns = $_ | Get-ScsiLun | ?{ $_.CanonicalName -match "naa.600a0980*" }
if ($luns.length -gt 0) {
Write-Host " Found $($luns.length) paths"
$completed = @()
$luns | %{
if (!$completed.Contains($_.CanonicalName)) {
$hexSerial = ($_.CanonicalName).Substring(12)
$serial = for ($i = 0; $i -lt $hexSerial.length; $i += 2) {
[char][int]::Parse($hexSerial.substring($i,2), 'HexNumber')
$ntapSerial = $serial -join ""
Write-Host " NetApp LUN serial is: $($ntapSerial)"
$ntapLun = $naluns | ?{ $_.SerialNumber -eq $ntapSerial }
Write-Host " NetApp SVM: $($ntapLun.Vserver)"
Write-Host " LUN Path: $($ntapLun.Path)"
$completed += $_.CanonicalName
Note that I think ONTAP has two or three different naa IDs, so you'd want to include all of them in the expression above.
Hope that helps.
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