VMware Solutions Discussions
VMware Solutions Discussions
Hi Guys
I am getting this error when I try to do Add SFRS in SMVI 2.0 "Error in Getting the vm information" I have installed SFR agent on the server which I am trying to restore file from. all the VMs on the same IP range and subnet. Not sure where to look nothing on the google and on the forum
thanks for your help
Solved! See The Solution
Well, looks like the connection to vCenter is not going through. Can you double check the info entered on setup page is correct? May be you can edit and re-enter the info? Alternatively, you can use some other login with same permissions.
Just to confirm - are you getting this error in SMVI GUI when you are trying to create new SFR session or you are getting this error on the VM whuile using Restore Agent?
Thanks Ydk. your first guess is right.
When I go in Restore tab-->Single File Restore and click on Add, after entering required info it gives me this error
thanks again
Okay! Here are two known scenarios when you can get this error:
1. You have not entered vCenter server info (IP, login) in SMVI setup page. SMVI needs vCenter IP address (or hostname) and credentials for proper VM lookup.
2. When you enter VM hostname but the hostname doesn't exactly match with the actual hostname. There is a known issue where SMVI seems to be doing case sensitive hostname comparison.
Hopefully following workaround should help:
1. Enter vCenter hostname/IP and credentials in SMVI setup screen.
2. Enter VM name as it appears in vCenter or if you want to use hostname, make sure you enter it exactly as it appears in the guest OS.
Thanks once again for been so quick in response
may I ask what do you mean when you say, "Enter vCenter hostname/IP and credentials in SMVI setup screen."
if you meant when I logged in to GUI interface of and it prompts for login creditionals? at that point I use domain/username and my password?
about your second point I select VM from list which is provided by the SMVI from drop down list?
also I just upgraded from SMVI 1.2 which was already installed!!
The vCenter information is on Setup screen. You can see the setup screen by clicking on Setup button after you login to SMVI GUI (using your domain login). On the setup page, under Basic tab, you should see vCenter section. Click the Edit button there and provide all the information in the dialog shown. Typically you would leave the port number as 443 which is default.
This vCenter info was optional in 1.2 but it is required for SFR in SMVI 2.0.
thanks again
Under setup -->Basic --> Vcenter server I have VC server name, Port number 443 and domain\username. it appears that information is there.
Do I need to login as that user which i used in v centre configuration as mentioned above or any user appropriate permissions?
You don't have to use the vCenter login informaton when logging in to SMVI GUI. You should be able to login as any other user with appropriate permissions. Though SMVI internally will connect to vCenter using the credentials entered on Setup page.
Since you have correct vCenter information entrered, probably you are having some other issue. I would recommend opening a case and providing SMVI logs for further investigation.
thanks, can you please advise me where is logs location, so i start troublshooting?
Just search for the log folders in your installation directory
Ok!! here what log file say but not sure which username and password is not correct.
may you be able to help
2010-02-17 13:47:26,336 [AWT-EventQueue-0: INFO]: com.netapp.nmf.smvi.services.server.GUICallback: FLOW-11019: Failure in FindVirtualMachinesTask: Login failed due to a bad username or password.
2010-02-17 13:47:26,337 [AWT-EventQueue-0: INFO]: com.netapp.nmf.smvi.services.server.GUICallback: FLOW-11008: Operation failed: Login failed due to a bad username or password.
2010-02-17 13:47:27,369 [AWT-EventQueue-0: INFO]: com.netapp.nmf.smvi.services.server.GUICallback: FLOW-11019: Failure in FindVirtualMachinesTask: Login failed due to a bad username or password.
2010-02-17 13:47:27,369 [AWT-EventQueue-0: INFO]: com.netapp.nmf.smvi.services.server.GUICallback: FLOW-11008: Operation failed: Login failed due to a bad username or password.
2010-02-17 13:47:31,369 [AWT-EventQueue-0: WARN]: com.netapp.nmf.smvi.restore.GuestFileRestoreWizard.GuestFileRestoreWizard: Error in getting the vm information
2010-02-17 13:47:32,240 [AWT-EventQueue-0: WARN]: com.netapp.nmf.smvi.restore.GuestFileRestoreWizard.GuestFileRestoreWizard: Error in getting the vm information
Well, looks like the connection to vCenter is not going through. Can you double check the info entered on setup page is correct? May be you can edit and re-enter the info? Alternatively, you can use some other login with same permissions.
Thanks Re entering the info fixed the issue. strange though....
thanks once again for you time and help
anyway now I am having other issue where error is "failed to retrieve backupList for the source guest" May be new request or search it first.
Here are couple of things to check:
1. Make sure the SFR session you created is still active and not expired. You can check it from Restore GUI page.
2. Check and adjust firewall rules on your SMVI server machine to allow incoming connections on port# 8043.
Did you try a Limited Self-Service instead of a self serivce. you should also check if there aresnapshots from an old set of LUNS. So you could try and remove the older LUNs.
Adding to the previous thread there could be invalid snapshotsso remove those and not the LUN's.
Thanks Amrita for your comments. here is my situation
1. Make sure the SFR session you created is still active and not expired. You can check it from Restore GUI page.
SFR Session is not expired
2. Check and adjust firewall rules on your SMVI server machine to allow incoming connections on port# 8043.
I checked Firewall and could telnet into this port
Did you try a Limited Self-Service instead of a self serivce.
I did Try after your advise but I am getting this error where it says
"=== CLIENT ===
OS Name=Windows Vista
OS Arch=x86
OS Version=6.1
=== ERROR ===
=== MESSAGE ===
Error encountered while attaching disk
=== DETAILS ===
Mount of NFS datastore akl01nap01-vmware1 requires flexclone license on
com.netapp.nmf.smvi.main.SmviErrorDetailException: Error encountered while attaching disk
at com.netapp.nmf.smvi.main.SmviErrorDetailException.createErrorDetailsList(SmviErrorDetailException.java:53)
at com.netapp.nmf.smvi.restore.GuestFileRestorePanel$AttachDiskGUICallBack.status(GuestFileRestorePanel.java:538)
at com.netapp.common.callback.CallbackPollThread.processResults(CallbackPollThread.java:170)
at com.netapp.common.callback.CallbackPollThread.run(CallbackPollThread.java:82)
you should also check if there aresnapshots from an old set of LUNS. So you could try and remove the older LUNs.
I do have snapshots of datastores/VMs which i took with SMVI 1
thanks for help
Do you have a FlexClone license? SFR wouldneed that.
thanks for confirming. More money!!!
thanks for your help