VMware Solutions Discussions

Space reclaiming not possible: "there are no files on the VM that contain NTFS partitions"



I installed VSC 4.1 on Server 2008 r2, used with vsphere client 5.1.0, ONTAP version 8.0.3.

For testing purposes I connected to the controller using netapp root credentials. I can see the controller just fine under "monitoring and host configuration"

I want to reclaim space on a virtual machine which is located on a NFS datastore. When I click "reclaim space" I get the following error:

"Error: there are no files on the VM that contain NTFS partitions". The partition is, in fact, NTFS.

What could be the issue? Thank you!

kamino log:

2013-04-10 10:45:04,601 (249294965@qtp-239468736-30) DEBUG [ServerServiceImpl] - Enter getVirtualMachineReclaimSpaceInfo

2013-04-10 10:45:04,601 (249294965@qtp-239468736-30) DEBUG [ServerServiceImpl] - Enter getServiceInstance.

2013-04-10 10:45:04,601 (249294965@qtp-239468736-30) DEBUG [ServerServiceImpl] - Exit getServiceInstance.

2013-04-10 10:45:04,601 (249294965@qtp-239468736-30) DEBUG [VcInventory] - Enter getMo with VirtualMachine:vm-164

2013-04-10 10:45:04,601 (249294965@qtp-239468736-30) DEBUG [ServerServiceImpl] - Enter getTemplateInfo.

2013-04-10 10:45:04,601 (249294965@qtp-239468736-30) DEBUG [ServerServiceImpl] - Enter getServiceInstance.

2013-04-10 10:45:04,601 (249294965@qtp-239468736-30) DEBUG [ServerServiceImpl] - Exit getServiceInstance.

2013-04-10 10:45:04,601 (249294965@qtp-239468736-30) DEBUG [VcInventory] - Enter updateTemplateInfo with VirtualMachine:vm-164

2013-04-10 10:45:04,601 (249294965@qtp-239468736-30) DEBUG [VcInventory] - Enter getMe for VirtualMachine:vm-164

2013-04-10 10:45:04,679 (249294965@qtp-239468736-30) DEBUG [VcInventory] - getTemplateInfo is dealing with a VirtualMachine

2013-04-10 10:45:04,679 (249294965@qtp-239468736-30) DEBUG [VcInventory] - Enter getMo with VirtualMachine:vm-164

2013-04-10 10:45:04,695 (249294965@qtp-239468736-30) DEBUG [VcInventory] - Enter getMo with Datastore:datastore-30

2013-04-10 10:45:04,711 (249294965@qtp-239468736-30) DEBUG [VcInventory] - Enter getMo with Datastore:datastore-30

2013-04-10 10:45:04,711 (249294965@qtp-239468736-30) DEBUG [DatastoreUtil] - Enter getDSHostIP

2013-04-10 10:45:04,711 (249294965@qtp-239468736-30) DEBUG [DatastoreUtil] - returning IPADDRESS

2013-04-10 10:45:04,726 (249294965@qtp-239468736-30) DEBUG [VcInventory] - The vm datastore vmware_store moref is Datastore:datastore-30

2013-04-10 10:45:04,726 (249294965@qtp-239468736-30) DEBUG [VcInventory] - Enter getMo with Datastore:datastore-30

2013-04-10 10:45:04,726 (249294965@qtp-239468736-30) DEBUG [VcInventory] - Enter getMo with Datastore:datastore-30

2013-04-10 10:45:04,726 (249294965@qtp-239468736-30) DEBUG [DatastoreUtil] - Enter getDSHostIP

2013-04-10 10:45:04,726 (249294965@qtp-239468736-30) DEBUG [DatastoreUtil] - returning IPADDRESS

2013-04-10 10:45:04,726 (249294965@qtp-239468736-30) DEBUG [VcInventory] - hasRDM = false hasInNonPersistent = false

2013-04-10 10:45:04,726 (249294965@qtp-239468736-30) TRACE [VcInventory] - getVm will return VmInfo -

Name                                 : VM_name

GuestHostname                        : null

Moref                                : VirtualMachine:vm-164

UUID                                 : 42355ac6-5c28-20f8-cfa7-4e4a6f18f4c6

Instance UUID                        : 50352f5e-08a8-44fe-c99d-845f2698b67e

Are all files on NFS datastores?     : true

Total Virtual Disk Space in MB       : 49152

VM Memory in MB                      : 4096

Power State (0=off)                  : 0

Connection State                     : connected

Has a RDM                            : false

Has a Snapshot                       : false

Has vmdk in Independent NonPersistent: false

Has a guest tools running            : false

Hardware Version                     : vmx-08

Max Available Ports (max vms)        : 2147483647

**RCU Custom Source UUID             : null

**RCU Custom Group Unique ID         : null

**RCU Custom Domain                  : null

**RCU Custom Guest Cust Spec         : null

**RCU Custom Last Deployed Date/Time : null

Virtual File Info                   

      files                          : [vmware_store] VM_name/VM_name.vmx size : 4096

      files                          : [vmware_store] VM_name/VM_name.vmdk size : 51539607552

Per datastore Usage                 

      datastore usage                : Datastore:datastore-30 consumed: 46047650354 uncommitted 10247237632

Datastore Info                      

      datastore                      : vmware_store type : NFS

2013-04-10 10:45:04,726 (249294965@qtp-239468736-30) DEBUG [ServerServiceImpl] - Template total vdisk in MB: 49152

2013-04-10 10:45:04,726 (249294965@qtp-239468736-30) DEBUG [ServerServiceImpl] - Template vmem in MB: 4096

2013-04-10 10:45:04,726 (249294965@qtp-239468736-30) DEBUG [ControllerManagerInstance] - Retrieving controllers from the storage configuration...

2013-04-10 10:45:04,726 (249294965@qtp-239468736-30) TRACE [ControllerManagerInstance] - getDiscoveredControllers(): enter

2013-04-10 10:45:04,726 (249294965@qtp-239468736-30) DEBUG [ControllerManagerInstance] - getDiscoveredControllers(): Initial controllers already discovered. Exit.

2013-04-10 10:45:04,757 (249294965@qtp-239468736-30) DEBUG [ServerServiceImpl] - Exit getVirtualMachineReclaimSpaceInfo



Ok, so the VAAI thing is a separate issue, but not seeing your controllers under the "Provisioning and Cloning" tab is probably related.  I have one of two suggestions at this point.  First, you can open a support case so we can get the logs and take a look.  Second, if you want to try the hammer approach, you could restart the VSC service on the box and/or reboot the VSC box.  I don't like suggesting the latter because you are not likely to figure out exactly what is wrong, but sometimes getting it working is all that matters...

View solution in original post



Is the partition MBR or GPT?




Is the VM a template or a VM in the eyes of vCenter?


it's a standard run-of-the-mill vm. I think. I never used templates that I am aware of.

I guess it might not have to do with the VM but with a configuration problem or error.

I get the same error on VM's which are located on a controller for which I have not configured netapp credentials yet. Is controller access required to do space reclaiming?

The situation is the same for several sets of vsphere credentials, including root.

The "provisioning and cloning" tab shows "no controllers found", even though the controller is available under "monitoring and host configuration". Might have something to do with my space reclaming issues.

perhaps has something to do with this:


We're running ONTAP 8.0.3 7-mode. Under "monitoring and host configuration" it says "VAAI Capable" but under datastore view hardware accelleration is "not supported".


Ok, so the VAAI thing is a separate issue, but not seeing your controllers under the "Provisioning and Cloning" tab is probably related.  I have one of two suggestions at this point.  First, you can open a support case so we can get the logs and take a look.  Second, if you want to try the hammer approach, you could restart the VSC service on the box and/or reboot the VSC box.  I don't like suggesting the latter because you are not likely to figure out exactly what is wrong, but sometimes getting it working is all that matters...


Rebooting the VSC box fixed the issue and all seems to work fine now. Thank you for your suggestion.

Getting it working is indeed what matters to me... 🙂


Glad to hear.  As for the VAAI issue - I realized that you are running 8.0.3 7-Mode.  That version indeed does not support NFS VAAI.  You need to be on at least 8.1.1 for 7-mode and have the NetApp NFS VAAI plugin installed on your hosts.


I just wanted to follow-up and say that while that is a "very good hammer" 🙂  we have identified the problem with controllers appearing in MnHC and not in PnC.  That will be addressed in our upcoming VSC 4.2 release.


Hello Brecht Monkerhey  ,

I have installed VSC 4.2 with Vmware ESXi 5 environment. I am able to reclaim space only for Windows VMs . It is not supporting any Linux VM till now. Is there any way to space reclaim using VSC 4.2 for Linux and other Unix VMs .

Also It will be great if you can provide me any information related to power shell module for VSC 4.2 . i could not find any module for VSC 4.2 which have space reclaim command in built with the module .

Thanks & regards



VSC 4.2 (and earlier versions) have always only supported space reclamation for NTFS partitions within Windows VMs.


Is there any Power shell command for kamino module for space reclaim for Windows VMs ? I am looking from old Kamino module but there is no command available .


I'm sorry, there is not.  Space reclamation was never added to the Kamino API, and therefore, there is no PowerShell command to invoke it.
