hy team
IHAC which has installed the VASA provider on a Windows 2008 Server and successfully registered the provider including the storage controller (incl. 3 vFilers) but is not able to see the cababilities in vShpere WebApp Client or native vSphere Client for Windows.
here is everything ok.

but the cababilities are not listed:

# wait 2 minutes before running first session cleanup
# then clean up expired sessions every 15 minutes
# wait 5 seconds before running first data model update
# update every 2 minute
The latecny between VASA Provider and stroage is about 20-30ms (it's a WAN link)
Any guess where to look?
The wrapper.log shows like:
INFO | jvm 1 | 2013/03/20 08:11:05 | [ INFO] Processing mountPoint: vFiler.FQDN:/vol/volname/qtree
INFO | jvm 1 | 2013/03/20 08:11:05 | [ INFO] Checking if mountInfo.serverName vFiler.FQDN matches with filer.name HOSTNAME or filer IPs [SOME IP ADDRESSES]
INFO | jvm 1 | 2013/03/20 08:11:05 | [ INFO] - Not matched, skipping this mountPoint
Don't know why it's beeing skipped? any guess?