Dear Eugene, I know fastlane offer, I know courses, I've reached too. But, what we say here in Italy "from say to doing there's a sea between". As experienced netapp ps I prefer to exchange opinions with colleagues here and to read and study the good tr that netapp offers. And last, let me say, you're free to post but I don't like this form of advertising here. Regards
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Bad news... We will have to study, if any, some trick to recreate the scope of this kind of DR. Something linked to Snapvault associated with S/Mirror? Bye
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Hi everybody, I know that the SVM DR feature is just our with 8.3.1 RC1 but we need to test it in advance because one of our customer we're transitioning to cDOT from a consolidate and 10 years of 7Mode history! A very smart customer deeply customizing solutions, a pioneer in WFA and SnapCreator features and so on! We've tested the SVM DR feature and it roughly do what is declared on doc. But... We’re still experiencing a lot of issues related to porting what they have now to what they exptect to have... As reported it seems that it does the work that someone could expect as…basic way. But at this customer the world is a little bit more complicated (does it is the only one using that DR way with 7Mode? I don’t think so!) We need to understand how to proceed to set up this DR. Or we (better NetApp!) must officially communicate to customers that they can wast their –perfectly working for test and troubles- DR approach for it’s not possible in cDOT! Let me resume the issue. This customer, since years, doesn’t use the vFiler DR direct approach but, at the snapmirrored destination flexclone volumes are created and on this run vfiler with –d option that start from the root volume of the vfiler. I.e. (the ✓ stands for running, the X for stopped/offlined/mirrored) ✓ ✓ X ✓ ✓ Production ----sm---> DR ---flexclone---> DR_clone –vfilercreate --> vfiler in dr This permit to have a point in time instance with all the initial configurations (share/exports/MSAD domain join, users, security ecc). This also let have the choice to choose the snapshot used as starting point and, overall, this let to maintain the source-destination replicas active and updated. All of those is automated using WFA, so it’s enough a click and everything go! We’ve seen that SVM DR more ore less work as vfiler dr worked. ✓ ✓ X Production ----sm---> DR < break of mirror relationship – a MUST > X X ✓ Production ----sm---> DR We’ve also seen with some trick and maintaining the production and test network separated in different IP spaces (and ports, switches, vlan…) that we can have both running the source and the destination, but we must also break the sm relationship! ✓ X ✓ Production ----sm---> DR These releationships unfortunately are essential prerequisites for this customer. Let me say vols (in SVMs) must continue to replicate for the DR test SVM could be up also for 10 and more days! And customer cannot permit the risk to loose its replicated/updated copies… The questions are: is there something like vfiler create –d? (documentation does not report anything else than “normal” usage) Something that let us create an SVM with all configurations inside but starting from cloned vols at destination snapmirrored site? We’re really in trouble for customer is starting to suspect that this cDot could be a boomerang and, except for VSAN and VVOL support for VMware 6, the things they’ve loosed are more than the one they’ve gained! Any help will be appreciated!
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I agree with you. The problem is that for this customer we will have to plan with a big accuracy the SVM needed because we're experiencing a lot of issues with DR for test purposes. We've just started to experiment SVM DR in 8.3.1RC1 but the usage it offer does not permit to replicate the behaviour that vfiler create -d offered us...when we had the choice to create a vfiler starting from a cloned flexvol at destination site maintaining up & running the source that continued to replicate the data. Regards
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Hi everybody, one million dollar questions 😉 aka transition to cDot could be really a nightmare! The questions come not only from best practice and TR I’ve read (or I could read…) but your ideas about best ways to bring in cDot what now is deeply optimized in 7Mode. AS is - 7 Mode A lot of NFS volumes where to separate data/log/temp of each Oracle instance. Each volume is exported for access only to the hosts that manage binaries and db. In the production environment all instances are RAC while in development test most of them are RAC but some are also composed just by one server. 90% of hosts are VMware VM, some are phyical for RAC instances composed by a phys-virtual pair of hosts. Volumes are hosted on aggregates composed by SAS or FC discs depending on type and importance of workload. In test/dev there are mostly SATA vols but non only. Of course, all the instances are managed and replicated with the concurrent usage of Snapcreator and its integration with DFM Protection Manager that it’s then integrated with Snapmirror To be – cDOT (8.3.1) <- we hope to be able to use SVM DR features somewhere… Each instance in a its own SVM? This could be a nightmare to manage ipspaces, dedicated lifs, flexvol that once assigned are locked to that SVM and so on…. Just one SVM for all NFS RAC? Maybe creating differente FlexVols with qtree for data/log/temp? Or on different aggregates? One or more SVM, few, just to balance the workloads between controllers? Is there an advantage offered by the juction paths that should be created? Every idea is accepted also is recently has been demonstrated that brainstorming is useless J Regards,
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Hi, looking at the various options available in OCUM under the menu Storage I've seen that I can create some resource pools, and this remember me the same concept that there is in Management Console of OC Protection Manager, but I've also see the choice to associate source and destination SVM. Online help reports: The Storage Virtual Machine Associations page enables you to view existing Storage Virtual Machine (SVM) associations between source and destination SVMs and to create new SVM associations for use by partner applications to create SnapMirror and SnapVault relationships. Really I did not understood. What are these partner apps? I believed that I could create some mirror relationship automatically for all the volumes in the SVM recalling the resource pool to host mirrored a/o vaulted volumes. Regards
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Same in 8.3 simulator. Root size is automatically choosen during setup...luckly I had some spare disk and I was able to elarge the root aggregate, then the volume. Why they don't avoid the risk to loose the cluster (if no spare) with a more smart setup? Bye,
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And your last post cut any other consideration I think that author of that TR should correct this phrase: Thus it will be typical in an 8.3 deployment to configure quite a few of these SVM management LIFs - one per data SVM - on the e0M management port Regards,
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Yes. Good point. Ten yrs of 7Mode caused the continous confusion 😉 between ports (physical and logical too such as VLAN and ifgrp!) and LIF. So If I get you well I could create on port e0M the default node-mngmt LIF and at the same time another LIF for SVM management: this two LIF will belong to different failover group with the second one that could fail, if needed, from a node to another (SVM spread on more than one node). What's about different VLAN on these two different LIFs? This will cause some issue to design and understand ip spaces and broadcast domains, is it? Regards,
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I was reading with interest the good TR-4182 Ethernet Storage Design Configuration by Mike Worthen. I think that there's some contradiction in e0M usage and the concept of SVM Management LIF or, possible, I do not understand 😉 At page 5 it states: Beginning with clustered Data ONTAP 8.3 node-mgmt and cluster-mgmt LIFs can no longer be used by an SVM to make connections to outside resources such as AD or DNS. While at page 26, about SVM Management LIF it states: Beginning with clustered Data ONTAP 8.3 node management LIFs can no longer be used. Thus it will be typical in an 8.3 deployment to configure quite a few of these SVM management LIFs - one per data SVM - on the e0M management port, for example, so that data SVM’s can access DNS and other services. These concepts do not match one to the other. How is possible to depute the e0M as SVM Management LIF? e0M interface is the preferred node management interface and it belong to a default failover policy "local only", it does not migrate. How can be possible to use it as SVM management LIF to access to external common services such as AD, DNS, NTP and so on? Regards
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Yes. Customer decided to convert every volume in thick format. It remains anyway the issue because I'm sure that who buy thin provising capabla arrays want to use it! 😉 Regards
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Hi, two months are passed. No news about patch a/o new working release. Customer in the meantime migrated everything to thick with a lot of effort we've paid! Do you have news about this patch? Regards,
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Hi Bob, first of all thank you very much for the time you've spent to write this long and detailed answer. Really good points. Coming back to the argument I read "NetApp does not offer any product similar to the old Decru Datafort that encrypts in transit on the wire." Do you mean that NetApp does no more offer? I remember, a couple of years ago, a project of technology refresh for a customer of us using Datafort (that has gone EOS) where we've tried to swap with Safenet solutions (a cluster of cryptainers -let me call in this way- appliances and key manager one). Anyway, I agree with you that hole in the security can always be present at any level but personally I still continue to think that encryption over the wire represents another "firewall" between data and potential intruders. I don't know what Safenet does now but I can remember that in case of tape backup Decru offered also a way to store encrypted data on tapes themselves: I *know* your potential answers: there are tape libraries with encryption 😉 Regards, Giacomo Milazzo Sinergy SpA
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Hi, I know that nowadays for NetApp FAS and E-Series there are two different ways to encrypt data. Use a subset of disk with built in encryption or adopt the Safenet solutions. I've a deep experience with old Decru Datafort appliances so I can easily understand what Safenet does, both for FC SAN and for NAS environment. My first question is this. Using HDDs or SSD with built-in encryption do not exlude every device on the same SAN/NAS to read data in clear format, is it? I mean, after all, are disks that protect me in case my shelves are stolen but nothing more or am I missing something I don't know? If I think to Safenet solutions instead I'm sure that only people/application allowed to perform I/O through Safenet devices (put between reader/writer and volumes) can read those data. This is real protection and encryption. In somebody else that them try to access and, unluckly, phisycally reach those contents, this will read "garbage"... With disk with builtin encryption instead? I hope I've been able to expose the questions. Regards.
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Yep! Cleaned the java cache it works. On OCI server I did it manually in C:\Users\<running user>\AppData\LocalLow\Sun\Java\Deployment\cache for there's no Control Panel Java applet. No issue at all running Java UI from desktop shortcut on the server itself. Labor day? Yes. Working on OCI 7.1 lab but just because here is raining!
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Sorry, I've replied without refreshing the page. Anyway I've got that error also before the patch with the original jar file. I'll do some test. Bye
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I've got the same issue with 7.1 release... The server side patch with the new jar file seems newer (4/29/2015) than the one on 7.1 installation files. I've tried to apply the patch but I've got always the same error. With or without the patch... The server is the same 7.0.2 with same environment where the patch worked. Just upgraded to 7.1 This java is a real nightmare!!! Bye Regards,
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In the first page of this thread you can find a workaround. Here (I cannot assure if the link is still valid) Here I've shared a server sided patch and instructions doc that solves all Java issues running GUI on server and/or from client with Java 8 releases.
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I've experienced the same exact issue. I opened a case and at the end of the analisys this was the answer of support. I can also say that there are no network issues, or multipath ones and so on. The bad thing is that SANTricity report this as a "Critical Alert Message" causing worries in the customer!!! It should be better that the level of criticism is lowered. Here follow answer from support. =================================================================================== From my analysis, you are not experiencing an anomaly. This behavior is normal operation of the storage array. From the Santricity Storage Manager Concepts for version 11.10: “Most host multi-path drivers will attempt to access each volume on a path to its preferred controller. However, if this preferred path becomes unavailable, the multi-path driver on the host will failover to an alternate path. This failover might cause the volume ownership to change to the alternate controller.” In the event viewer, I see Volume not on preferred path due to AVT/RDAC failoverI also see: IO shipping implicit volume transfer These confirm my suspicion that I/O shipping is causing the condition. According to my interpretation of the data, the above described behavior is what you are seeing. This leaves us wondering why the hosts are choosing to use the alternate path. Is there a networking issue? A Host issue? I can’t be certain based on the provided data. Certainly your MPIO is configured and working, but there are underlying problems somewhere causing this behavior. Other entries in the event viewer give us a clue that there are likely underlying network issues: Session terminated unexpectedly Connection terminated unexpectedly These are both iSCSI issues. Please check into the possibility of network issues. I hope this answers your questions.
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Hi, randomly it happens that some of this messages are generated. I read all the documentation and the online help of SANTricity but I'm not sure if I well understood their role. There are different repository, for thin provisioned volumes, for volumes in mirror group... What are the "repository for thin volume" and how to manage? How can I prevent this? Subject: Critical Alert Message For XXXXXXXXXX Summary Node ID: XXXXXXXXXX Event Error Code: 7b01 Event occurred: mar 24, 2015 6:34:35 PM Event Message: A thin volume repository is full Event Priority: Critical Component Type: Volume Component Location: Volume SAS_VMFS02
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Just to give to the customer an hope… Do you have some news about the “beta” patch? Customer is available to put it on production (worst case scenario it does not work) Regards,
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Hi, Thanks for the update. I've felt rumors about this patch just this afternoon by a colleague of you..and this because I'm the one who discovered this issue! 🙂 Is not on my decisions to convince customer to try and/or eventually shot adopt a beta in a production environment. Also because this customer is a little bit angry for others issues and delays caused by software of E-series(see other posts th myself) Anyway let me know when this beta will be enough tested and how to get it. I will try it. I hope this can help us to maintain these arrays at customer (a metal fan but using fas until now...long story)
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The issues given by the bugged SRA plug-ins have finally ended (see here). After a call openened with support, lot of logs exchanged, they've been able to reproduce the issue and development team reported: "Development has confirmed an issue with thin provisioned volumes with AMGs. The only workaround is to avoid thin provisioned volumes for SRM until a release of SRA includes the fix for this issue. At this time, I do not have an ETA for the a release date of the SRA version that will include a fix. For the time being, to get the customer into production, I recommend trying a non-thin provisioned volume within a Dynamic Disk Pool or creating a volume within a Volume group" First I've created and paired in a new AMG a new thick volume but SRA failed the same nevertheless I put my old AMG (with thin vols) disabled. Only when I've completely removed the old AMGs I was able to complete the SRM device discovery and the creation of the protection group. Well, mistery is solved but it remains a very big issue…a big issue because if you have also just one thin volume in a AMG the SRA fails to enumerate the paired devices! I think that customer (and me too, I'm a “thin” evangelist) would use thin from arrays that claim they can do it, don’t you think so? Well. If AMG in E-Series contain thin volumes the SRA plugin fails with the error I shared with you. And, maybe this is worst, if you maintain also just one AMG with thin resources, SRA fails! This means that in case you need just a couple of LUNs for SRM purposes all of your other DR resources, also the “crash consistancy ones”, must be THICK! This is really crazy! Anyway, my SRM/SRA worked only when I’ve created a new AMG with thick volumes and after I’ve removed all old thin mirrored resources and their AMGs. It's really incredible to think that development team forgot the possibility to use thin volumes in AMG...using such array able to do thin! 😉
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E5500 iSCSI arrays. Firmware up to date, every software is in matrix and so on. After successfully installed and fine configured the array manager pairs (see the issue about ports to solve before here) there's no change to configure the protection group because none of the two array manager can see and enumerate the paired devices (I do not report here screenshot of SANTricity-trust on me, everything is good and working and AMG work fine). All the VMware kb about this invite to check connectivity issues and running perfstat on both SRM servers reports that each needed port and comm is ok. As you can see the pair of arrays and their manager is ok and enabled but there are no parired devices listed below and also rescanning give no results and the same error. Here is an abstract from log. I read that the process starts, enumerates some LUN and can declare them not associated to AMG (right), discover some AMG group (the name is correct) but then it hangs and stops wiht that error "null pointer exception". This happens on both site! I've a case opened...investigating. But I suspect is a SRA sw issue to fix. 2015-02-23T13:48:42.272+0100 SRA Cmd000031 verbose retreived DiscoverDevicesParameters :: RequestHandler.getParams 424, RequestHandler.getParams 415 2015-02-23T13:48:42.270+0100 SRA Cmd000031 info NetApp Storage Replication Adapter for E-Series version 05.50.3000.0005 built 2014. :: CommandProcessorImpl.init 102, CommandProcessorImpl.go 75 2015-02-23T13:48:42.270+0100 SRA Cmd000031 verbose command : <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?> <Command xmlns=""> <Name>discoverDevices</Name> <OutputFile>C:\Windows\TEMP\vmware-SYSTEM-3181398299\sra-output-106-95</OutputFile> <StatusFile>C:\Windows\TEMP\vmware-SYSTEM-3181398299\sra-status-107-57</StatusFile> <LogLevel>verbose</LogLevel> <LogDirectory>C:\ProgramData\VMware\VMware vCenter Site Recovery Manager\Logs\SRAs\NetApp E-Series</LogDirectory> <Connections> <Connection id="Array"> <Addresses> this is ok! <Address id="IP1"></Address> <Address id="IP2"></Address> </Addresses> </Connection> <Connection id="PeerArray"> <Addresses> this is ok! <Address id="IP1"></Address> <Address id="IP2"></Address> </Addresses> </Connection> </Connections> <DiscoverDevicesParameters> <ArrayId>60:08:0E:50:00:29:AE:EC:00:00:00:00:54:40:20:52</ArrayId> <PeerArrayId>60:08:0E:50:00:29:9B:40:00:00:00:00:54:41:95:76</PeerArrayId> </DiscoverDevicesParameters> </Command> :: CommandProcessorImpl.dispatchCommand 133, CommandProcessorImpl.go 77 2015-02-23T13:48:42.272+0100 SRA Cmd000031 info Wrote C:\SRM\storage\sra\NetApp E-Series\.\tracks\2015-02-23_13-48-42-270_discoverDevices_c.xml :: CommandProcessorImpl.trackRequest 310, CommandProcessorImpl.dispatchCommand 143 2015-02-23T13:48:42.272+0100 SRA Cmd000031 info Processing discoverDevices request. :: CommandProcessorImpl.dispatchCommand 151, CommandProcessorImpl.go 77 2015-02-23T13:48:44.134+0100 SRA Cmd000031 info StorageDeviceAccessor formed successfully for CnxParams[Array||...32] :: RequestHandler.createAndInitializeSda 181, RequestHandler.setupArrayAccess 292 2015-02-23T13:48:44.134+0100 SRA Cmd000031 info established access for array with id 60:08:0E:50:00:29:AE:EC:00:00:00:00:54:40:20:52 :: RequestHandler.setupArrayAccess 320, RequestHandler.setupArrayAccess 268 2015-02-23T13:48:45.255+0100 SRA Cmd000031 info is ARVM supported ==>true :: StorageDeviceAccessorImpl.getRvmInfoMap 881, RequestHandler.setupArrayAccess 372 2015-02-23T13:48:45.253+0100 SRA Cmd000031 info StorageDeviceAccessor formed successfully for CnxParams[PeerArray||...32] :: RequestHandler.createAndInitializeSda 181, RequestHandler.setupArrayAccess 292 2015-02-23T13:48:45.253+0100 SRA Cmd000031 info established access for array with id 60:08:0E:50:00:29:9B:40:00:00:00:00:54:41:95:76 :: RequestHandler.setupArrayAccess 320, RequestHandler.setupArrayAccess 268 2015-02-23T13:48:45.253+0100 SRA Cmd000031 trivia array name is ITROMFS31 :: RequestHandler.setupArrayAccess 358, RequestHandler.setupArrayAccess 268 2015-02-23T13:48:45.253+0100 SRA Cmd000031 info access setup for array ITROMFS31 :: RequestHandler.setupArrayAccess 360, RequestHandler.setupArrayAccess 268 2015-02-23T13:48:45.253+0100 SRA Cmd000031 trivia peer array name is ITNAPFS31 :: RequestHandler.setupArrayAccess 366, RequestHandler.setupArrayAccess 268 2015-02-23T13:48:51.081+0100 SRA Cmd000031 trivia concatVolume repos_0009 is not participating in a mirror pair :: StorageDeviceAccessorImpl.getRvmInfoMap 980, RequestHandler.setupArrayAccess 372 2015-02-23T13:48:51.081+0100 SRA Cmd000031 trivia standardVolume SAS_ESX01 is not participating in a mirror pair :: StorageDeviceAccessorImpl.getRvmInfoMap 980, RequestHandler.setupArrayAccess 372 2015-02-23T13:48:51.081+0100 SRA Cmd000031 trivia standardVolume SAS_ESX02 is not participating in a mirror pair :: StorageDeviceAccessorImpl.getRvmInfoMap 980, RequestHandler.setupArrayAccess 372 2015-02-23T13:48:51.081+0100 SRA Cmd000031 trivia concatVolume repos_0001 is not participating in a mirror pair :: StorageDeviceAccessorImpl.getRvmInfoMap 980, RequestHandler.setupArrayAccess 372 2015-02-23T13:48:51.081+0100 SRA Cmd000031 trivia concatVolume repos_0002 is not participating in a mirror pair :: StorageDeviceAccessorImpl.getRvmInfoMap 980, RequestHandler.setupArrayAccess 372 2015-02-23T13:48:51.081+0100 SRA Cmd000031 trivia concatVolume repos_0003 is not participating in a mirror pair :: StorageDeviceAccessorImpl.getRvmInfoMap 980, RequestHandler.setupArrayAccess 372 2015-02-23T13:48:51.081+0100 SRA Cmd000031 trivia concatVolume repos_0005 is not participating in a mirror pair :: StorageDeviceAccessorImpl.getRvmInfoMap 980, RequestHandler.setupArrayAccess 372 2015-02-23T13:48:51.081+0100 SRA Cmd000031 trivia concatVolume repos_0006 is not participating in a mirror pair :: StorageDeviceAccessorImpl.getRvmInfoMap 980, RequestHandler.setupArrayAccess 372 2015-02-23T13:48:51.081+0100 SRA Cmd000031 trivia concatVolume repos_0007 is not participating in a mirror pair :: StorageDeviceAccessorImpl.getRvmInfoMap 980, RequestHandler.setupArrayAccess 372 2015-02-23T13:48:51.081+0100 SRA Cmd000031 trivia standardVolume SAS_ESX03 is not participating in a mirror pair :: StorageDeviceAccessorImpl.getRvmInfoMap 980, RequestHandler.setupArrayAccess 372 2015-02-23T13:48:51.082+0100 SRA Cmd000031 trivia standardVolume SAS_ESX04 is not participating in a mirror pair :: StorageDeviceAccessorImpl.getRvmInfoMap 980, RequestHandler.setupArrayAccess 372 2015-02-23T13:48:51.085+0100 SRA Cmd000031 trivia discovering AsyncMirrorGroupMembers of AsyncMirrorGroup : AMG-NA_DR :: DiscoverDevicesHandler.go 129, CommandProcessorImpl.dispatchCommand 158 found something? Name is ok 2015-02-23T13:48:51.082+0100 SRA Cmd000031 trivia standardVolume SAS_ESX05 is not participating in a mirror pair :: StorageDeviceAccessorImpl.getRvmInfoMap 980, RequestHandler.setupArrayAccess 372 2015-02-23T13:48:51.082+0100 SRA Cmd000031 trivia standardVolume SAS_ESX06 is not participating in a mirror pair :: StorageDeviceAccessorImpl.getRvmInfoMap 980, RequestHandler.setupArrayAccess 372 2015-02-23T13:48:51.082+0100 SRA Cmd000031 trivia standardVolume SAS_ESX07 is not participating in a mirror pair :: StorageDeviceAccessorImpl.getRvmInfoMap 980, RequestHandler.setupArrayAccess 372 2015-02-23T13:48:51.082+0100 SRA Cmd000031 trivia standardVolume SAS_ESX08 is not participating in a mirror pair :: StorageDeviceAccessorImpl.getRvmInfoMap 980, RequestHandler.setupArrayAccess 372 2015-02-23T13:48:51.082+0100 SRA Cmd000031 trivia standardVolume SAS_ESX09 is not participating in a mirror pair :: StorageDeviceAccessorImpl.getRvmInfoMap 980, RequestHandler.setupArrayAccess 372 2015-02-23T13:48:51.082+0100 SRA Cmd000031 trivia standardVolume SAS_ESX10 is not participating in a mirror pair :: StorageDeviceAccessorImpl.getRvmInfoMap 980, RequestHandler.setupArrayAccess 372 2015-02-23T13:48:51.082+0100 SRA Cmd000031 trivia concatVolume repos_0000 is not participating in a mirror pair :: StorageDeviceAccessorImpl.getRvmInfoMap 980, RequestHandler.setupArrayAccess 372 2015-02-23T13:48:51.082+0100 SRA Cmd000031 trivia concatVolume repos_0004 is not participating in a mirror pair :: StorageDeviceAccessorImpl.getRvmInfoMap 980, RequestHandler.setupArrayAccess 372 2015-02-23T13:48:51.082+0100 SRA Cmd000031 trivia concatVolume repos_0008 is not participating in a mirror pair :: StorageDeviceAccessorImpl.getRvmInfoMap 980, RequestHandler.setupArrayAccess 372 2015-02-23T13:48:51.082+0100 SRA Cmd000031 trivia concatVolume repos_0022 is not participating in a mirror pair :: StorageDeviceAccessorImpl.getRvmInfoMap 980, RequestHandler.setupArrayAccess 372 2015-02-23T13:48:51.082+0100 SRA Cmd000031 trivia concatVolume repos_0010 is not participating in a mirror pair :: StorageDeviceAccessorImpl.getRvmInfoMap 980, RequestHandler.setupArrayAccess 372 2015-02-23T13:48:51.082+0100 SRA Cmd000031 trivia concatVolume repos_0011 is not participating in a mirror pair :: StorageDeviceAccessorImpl.getRvmInfoMap 980, RequestHandler.setupArrayAccess 372 2015-02-23T13:48:51.082+0100 SRA Cmd000031 trivia concatVolume repos_0012 is not participating in a mirror pair :: StorageDeviceAccessorImpl.getRvmInfoMap 980, RequestHandler.setupArrayAccess 372 2015-02-23T13:48:51.082+0100 SRA Cmd000031 trivia concatVolume repos_0013 is not participating in a mirror pair :: StorageDeviceAccessorImpl.getRvmInfoMap 980, RequestHandler.setupArrayAccess 372 2015-02-23T13:48:51.082+0100 SRA Cmd000031 trivia concatVolume repos_0014 is not participating in a mirror pair :: StorageDeviceAccessorImpl.getRvmInfoMap 980, RequestHandler.setupArrayAccess 372 2015-02-23T13:48:51.082+0100 SRA Cmd000031 trivia concatVolume repos_0015 is not participating in a mirror pair :: StorageDeviceAccessorImpl.getRvmInfoMap 980, RequestHandler.setupArrayAccess 372 2015-02-23T13:48:51.082+0100 SRA Cmd000031 trivia concatVolume repos_0016 is not participating in a mirror pair :: StorageDeviceAccessorImpl.getRvmInfoMap 980, RequestHandler.setupArrayAccess 372 2015-02-23T13:48:51.082+0100 SRA Cmd000031 trivia concatVolume repos_0017 is not participating in a mirror pair :: StorageDeviceAccessorImpl.getRvmInfoMap 980, RequestHandler.setupArrayAccess 372 2015-02-23T13:48:51.082+0100 SRA Cmd000031 trivia concatVolume repos_0020 is not participating in a mirror pair :: StorageDeviceAccessorImpl.getRvmInfoMap 980, RequestHandler.setupArrayAccess 372 2015-02-23T13:48:51.082+0100 SRA Cmd000031 trivia concatVolume repos_0019 is not participating in a mirror pair :: StorageDeviceAccessorImpl.getRvmInfoMap 980, RequestHandler.setupArrayAccess 372 2015-02-23T13:48:51.082+0100 SRA Cmd000031 trivia concatVolume repos_0021 is not participating in a mirror pair :: StorageDeviceAccessorImpl.getRvmInfoMap 980, RequestHandler.setupArrayAccess 372 2015-02-23T13:48:51.082+0100 SRA Cmd000031 trivia concatVolume repos_0023 is not participating in a mirror pair :: StorageDeviceAccessorImpl.getRvmInfoMap 980, RequestHandler.setupArrayAccess 372 2015-02-23T13:48:51.082+0100 SRA Cmd000031 trivia concatVolume repos_0024 is not participating in a mirror pair :: StorageDeviceAccessorImpl.getRvmInfoMap 980, RequestHandler.setupArrayAccess 372 2015-02-23T13:48:51.082+0100 SRA Cmd000031 trivia concatVolume repos_0025 is not participating in a mirror pair :: StorageDeviceAccessorImpl.getRvmInfoMap 980, RequestHandler.setupArrayAccess 372 2015-02-23T13:48:51.082+0100 SRA Cmd000031 trivia concatVolume repos_0026 is not participating in a mirror pair :: StorageDeviceAccessorImpl.getRvmInfoMap 980, RequestHandler.setupArrayAccess 372 2015-02-23T13:48:51.082+0100 SRA Cmd000031 trivia concatVolume repos_0027 is not participating in a mirror pair :: StorageDeviceAccessorImpl.getRvmInfoMap 980, RequestHandler.setupArrayAccess 372 2015-02-23T13:48:51.083+0100 SRA Cmd000031 trivia concatVolume repos_0028 is not participating in a mirror pair :: StorageDeviceAccessorImpl.getRvmInfoMap 980, RequestHandler.setupArrayAccess 372 2015-02-23T13:48:51.083+0100 SRA Cmd000031 trivia concatVolume repos_0018 is not participating in a mirror pair :: StorageDeviceAccessorImpl.getRvmInfoMap 980, RequestHandler.setupArrayAccess 372 2015-02-23T13:48:51.083+0100 SRA Cmd000031 trivia concatVolume repos_0029 is not participating in a mirror pair :: StorageDeviceAccessorImpl.getRvmInfoMap 980, RequestHandler.setupArrayAccess 372 2015-02-23T13:48:51.083+0100 SRA Cmd000031 trivia standardVolume SAS_ESX11 is not participating in a mirror pair :: StorageDeviceAccessorImpl.getRvmInfoMap 980, RequestHandler.setupArrayAccess 372 2015-02-23T13:48:51.083+0100 SRA Cmd000031 trivia standardVolume SAS_ESX12 is not participating in a mirror pair :: StorageDeviceAccessorImpl.getRvmInfoMap 980, RequestHandler.setupArrayAccess 372 2015-02-23T13:48:51.083+0100 SRA Cmd000031 trivia concatVolume repos_0049 is not participating in a mirror pair :: StorageDeviceAccessorImpl.getRvmInfoMap 980, RequestHandler.setupArrayAccess 372 2015-02-23T13:48:51.083+0100 SRA Cmd000031 trivia concatVolume repos_0058 is not participating in a mirror pair :: StorageDeviceAccessorImpl.getRvmInfoMap 980, RequestHandler.setupArrayAccess 372 2015-02-23T13:48:51.083+0100 SRA Cmd000031 trivia concatVolume repos_0059 is not participating in a mirror pair :: StorageDeviceAccessorImpl.getRvmInfoMap 980, RequestHandler.setupArrayAccess 372 2015-02-23T13:48:51.083+0100 SRA Cmd000031 trivia concatVolume repos_0066 is not participating in a mirror pair :: StorageDeviceAccessorImpl.getRvmInfoMap 980, RequestHandler.setupArrayAccess 372 2015-02-23T13:48:51.083+0100 SRA Cmd000031 trivia concatVolume repos_0047 is not participating in a mirror pair :: StorageDeviceAccessorImpl.getRvmInfoMap 980, RequestHandler.setupArrayAccess 372 2015-02-23T13:48:51.083+0100 SRA Cmd000031 trivia concatVolume repos_0048 is not participating in a mirror pair :: StorageDeviceAccessorImpl.getRvmInfoMap 980, RequestHandler.setupArrayAccess 372 2015-02-23T13:48:51.083+0100 SRA Cmd000031 trivia concatVolume repos_0068 is not participating in a mirror pair :: StorageDeviceAccessorImpl.getRvmInfoMap 980, RequestHandler.setupArrayAccess 372 2015-02-23T13:48:51.083+0100 SRA Cmd000031 trivia concatVolume repos_0070 is not participating in a mirror pair :: StorageDeviceAccessorImpl.getRvmInfoMap 980, RequestHandler.setupArrayAccess 372 2015-02-23T13:48:51.083+0100 SRA Cmd000031 trivia concatVolume repos_0071 is not participating in a mirror pair :: StorageDeviceAccessorImpl.getRvmInfoMap 980, RequestHandler.setupArrayAccess 372 2015-02-23T13:48:51.083+0100 SRA Cmd000031 trivia concatVolume repos_0072 is not participating in a mirror pair :: StorageDeviceAccessorImpl.getRvmInfoMap 980, RequestHandler.setupArrayAccess 372 2015-02-23T13:48:51.083+0100 SRA Cmd000031 trivia concatVolume repos_0073 is not participating in a mirror pair :: StorageDeviceAccessorImpl.getRvmInfoMap 980, RequestHandler.setupArrayAccess 372 2015-02-23T13:48:51.083+0100 SRA Cmd000031 trivia concatVolume repos_0074 is not participating in a mirror pair :: StorageDeviceAccessorImpl.getRvmInfoMap 980, RequestHandler.setupArrayAccess 372 2015-02-23T13:48:51.083+0100 SRA Cmd000031 trivia concatVolume repos_0075 is not participating in a mirror pair :: StorageDeviceAccessorImpl.getRvmInfoMap 980, RequestHandler.setupArrayAccess 372 2015-02-23T13:48:51.083+0100 SRA Cmd000031 trivia concatVolume repos_0085 is not participating in a mirror pair :: StorageDeviceAccessorImpl.getRvmInfoMap 980, RequestHandler.setupArrayAccess 372 2015-02-23T13:48:51.083+0100 SRA Cmd000031 trivia concatVolume repos_0086 is not participating in a mirror pair :: StorageDeviceAccessorImpl.getRvmInfoMap 980, RequestHandler.setupArrayAccess 372 2015-02-23T13:48:51.083+0100 SRA Cmd000031 trivia concatVolume repos_0083 is not participating in a mirror pair :: StorageDeviceAccessorImpl.getRvmInfoMap 980, RequestHandler.setupArrayAccess 372 2015-02-23T13:48:51.083+0100 SRA Cmd000031 trivia concatVolume repos_0084 is not participating in a mirror pair :: StorageDeviceAccessorImpl.getRvmInfoMap 980, RequestHandler.setupArrayAccess 372 2015-02-23T13:48:51.083+0100 SRA Cmd000031 trivia concatVolume repos_0088 is not participating in a mirror pair :: StorageDeviceAccessorImpl.getRvmInfoMap 980, RequestHandler.setupArrayAccess 372 2015-02-23T13:48:51.086+0100 SRA Cmd000031 error NullPointerException while Exception while handling command discoverDevices. Exception Message NullPointerException while . :: CommandProcessorImpl.dispatchCommand 218, CommandProcessorImpl.go 77 java.lang.NullPointerException here stops and hangs at com.loem.devicemgt.ByteUtils.getWwnString( at com.netapp.apg.sra.svc.handlers.RequestHandler.createArvmReplicationProps( at com.netapp.apg.sra.svc.handlers.DiscoverDevicesHandler.go( at com.netapp.apg.sra.svc.CommandProcessorImpl.dispatchCommand( at com.netapp.apg.sra.svc.CommandProcessorImpl.go( at com.netapp.apg.sra.svc.SraServiceImpl.processCommand( at com.netapp.apg.sra.svc.SraServiceImpl.handleClientRequest( at com.netapp.apg.sra.svc.SraServiceImpl$ at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(Unknown Source) at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$ Source) at Source) 2015-02-23T13:48:51.086+0100 SRA Cmd000031 verbose response : <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?> <Response xmlns=""> <Error code="1002"> <ntap:ExceptionMsg xmlns:ntap="">NullPointerException while </ntap:ExceptionMsg> <ntap:Command xmlns:ntap="">discoverDevices</ntap:Command> </Error> </Response> :: CommandProcessorImpl.dispatchCommand 235, CommandProcessorImpl.go 77 2015-02-23T13:48:51.088+0100 SRA Cmd000031 info Wrote C:\SRM\storage\sra\NetApp E-Series\.\tracks\2015-02-23_13-48-42-270_discoverDevices_r.xml :: CommandProcessorImpl.trackResponse 358, CommandProcessorImpl.dispatchCommand 241
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