Just discovered the mistery! The course Installing and Configuring OnCommand Insight Balance report akorri/akorri. Instead default uname and pw are netapp/netapp. What simplest? After an acquisition!
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I've just converted and started the version of OnCommand Insight Balance "balance" vm. The course online I've attended report that console default user is akorri with pw akorri... Quite sure I'm able to use a keyboard with no mistakes but it seems that password is not this! I've also tried a blank one... What's about?
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Hi, I'm just in these days focusing myself on this appliance. It will be a great appliance to migrate data when it will be possible to do it online and overall when it will do a baseline and a final incremental transfer. For whiche I've read up to now is just like another host that avoid you to reconfigure host and application but to online migrate data I still continue to prefer host based method when possibile such LVM. When this is not possible there are no other solutions that "robocopy" or "rsync" the data from old to new. Read this, a big and recent (2012, may) detailed doc on offline migration using DTA2800 http://media.netapp.com/documents/tr-4061.pdf In other words I'm also convinced that IBM SVC still remains the only real online migrator appliance but also this has a lot of constrains such as reconfiguring host datapath. PS) the only env different is the VMware one that has (prerequisites...of course) storage vMotion and full support to shared SANs (old and new from the same HBAs)
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I know it. Your suggestion is a good starting point but the manual anyway resend me to the IMT...I.e., for clustered configuration a statement in the SMO IAG is done: SnapManager supports the same host cluster and HA pair configurations that the SnapDrive product and Host Utilities Kit support: sometime this is quite complex to determine. Anyway I'll repeat a double check in the IMT. And doing this I immediately found something strange. Putting FC Host Utilities, Microsoft Clustering in the matrix with FC SAN and Data ONTAP 7.x/8.x I found that Snapdrive (certain versions of course) is supported. Clicking on the SMO field the IMT answer that "there's no related info" while clicling on SME, SMSQL or SMSP there are the list of supported environment. Why? SMO is not supported while the guide says that in MSCS is? Thanks a lot
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Hi all, very often is quite complex to determine with Snapmanager for Oracle which is the right combination of o.s, cluster, Oracle configuration and so on that's really supported and working. To do that the IMT and the release notes of a lot of products must be crossed. My question is very simple. Assuming Data Ontap 8.x and a FC SAN environment which combination of X64 operating systems, cluster protection (MSCS failsafe, Linux, RAC...) for an active/passive Oracle and, of course, Snapmanager for Oracle which are the environment really supported and working? Thank you in advance
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Some days ago I need to examine the performance data of a 2240-4 cluster because customer reported me some issue. I was really surprised to discover that, nevethelesee the FAS regularly send out all its autosupport (HA managementt group such performance data, management log, weekly and so on) if I try to generate some automatic graph or report about performances tools report me that needed files/data are missed! So that I've no data trend in MyAutosupport section, no FixIt/Performance Histogram from NTSTP or the Assessment Tools Portal. If I download the hourly stats file and I manually load it in the CMPG portal the received message is quite laconic. Systems have no data...Anyway if I go ahed and open the received ZIP file the Excel reports me that a lot of data files are missed! What's going on? Another 8.1 bug?
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Ok, anyway I've not the only one with same issue. Sorry but I don't have now time to look for and post the release notes of 8.1RC2D6. In that note the bug was reported as FIXED. This is the reason for my question about "is it on paper or on field test?" 😉
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Yes, I think we all know that tool. But the problem was another. That bug had be declared as fixed since the D6...but this was not true. When do you state "it's fixed" did you only read at the rel note or did you try on field?
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RC3 it's a sum of preceding fixed bugs/issues but at this time I don't know if the (declared as fixed) smtp bug has been definitively solved. Somebody could try RC3 on field and let us know
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As already klemen did it the D6/D7 DON'T FIX THE ISSUE nevertheless what's in the release notes! Just wasted time (filer is a 2240) see here: https://communities.netapp.com/message/74330#74330
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As already klemen did it the D6/D7 DON'T FIX THE ISSUE nevertheless what's in the release notes! Just wasted time (filer is a 2240) For the more sophisticated technicians here's attached the trace file generated during packet tracing between host and exchange server. As well shown there's the same timeout that causes the bug.
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Hi, thank you for detailed answer but I would explain the main reason of disappointment and frustration I can accept all the issues that can came from whater RC releas of any software. The things that I cannot accept is that in a "new" release adding "new" features the perfectly running old ones stop to do it... Sending autosupport or (other bug) licensing some feature is a consolidated thing since 6.x DOT and I cannot accept to waste time supporting or explaining to customers the reasons of this failures. About the shipping of 2240 without a GA release (also if supported) is all another stuff. In place of NetApp people I would wait before do it and I would put 8.02 on that filer. Regards,
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Of course. 2240 is shipped with 8.1RC2 and we was forced to use it...for the other systems I think that just a tester or a pioneer will installa this so bugged release! Regards
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The new license model of 8.1 avoid the VSC plugin to add a storage control if some license is "ENABLED" but the related options is set to off. In my case a multistore "ENABLED" license caused the "unable to add storage controller" message and in the kamino.log file there was reported the cause. This because multistore in in some way something manageable by VSC. I think this issue can be presente for NFS also if NFS is licensed. No issues seem to be present for FCP Setting this to on solved the problem options licensed_feature.multistore.enable on 2012-01-30 15:56:14,079 (Thread-56) ERROR [FilerUtil] - Failed to get vfiler info Api vfiler-list-info either requires license for multistore or requires the option licensed_feature.multistore.enable to be turned on (errno=13008) netapp.manage.NaAPIFailedException: Api vfiler-list-info either requires license for multistore or requires the option licensed_feature.multistore.enable to be turned on (errno=13008) at netapp.manage.NaServer.invokeElem(NaServer.java:670)
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No doubts on Radek answer but the "official" channel is what I need to convince account that plays with configurator that I don't need all that stuff! Many thanks
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As most of you already know there are a lot of bugs that prevent to send 8.1RC2 autosupport using an Exchange relay (2007 and 2010 but also 2003 as tested by myself). And always as you know the 2240 FAS is shipped only with this DOT release! This causes a lot embarrassment for us, ASP company, that have to say to the customer that us and them will not be able to receive their autosupport unlesse they install...a Sendmail (or some other Linux machine with STMP relays other than Exchange)...This is unacceptable and, let me say it, ridiculous in that environment where Exchange reigns... Other source of embarrassment is due to the fact that to send an autosupport has always been a very easy action and now has become a nightmare due this silly bug that DOT does not end the message with CRLF.CRLF but LF (where's the programmer that forgot CR?!?) To avoid any misunderstanding every fix and/or action has been done on the SMTP relays as from instructions...looking at its log the cause of bug appear clear...timeout on transmission for errors on format. So: briefly. RC2 is supported and on the market since months...how much time do we have to wait again for a fix? Thanks https://communities.netapp.com/message/71152 https://now.netapp.com/NOW/cgi-bin/bol?Type=Detail&Display=549239 https://kb.netapp.com/support/index?page=content&id=1011888
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Looking and reading at documentation regarding usage of ATTO SAS-FC bridge on Metrocluster I've always read about the need to have 4 bridges (as in the pic here) to connect and double the path to the stack SAS up to completation of one of this stack (seven DS4243 shelves). I should setup a fabric MC where I will use both SAS and SATA disks in my DS4243 shelves: exactly as in the pic with one site with both 1xSAS+1xSATA shelves and the second site only with 1xSAS. It now happens that configuring in PE/CE the needed hardware it give me EIGHT bridges for somewhere somebody says that this is best practice to have separate stack for SAS and SATA...what?!? This violates the principle that the SAS backend can do: a multiplexed one of four 3 Gbps links each As far I know a stack SAS can be formed by both SAS and SATA disks mixing the DS4243 (up to ten shelves) and the ATTO manual too repeat this. No issue at all. Why should my customer but other 4 ATTO bridges (9000 € each price list!)? Regards
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