If a disruptive workflow works for the customer, you can use this process and convert the FAS2720 into a DS212C shelf, too. You can order a conversion kit that has 2 x IOM12B modules and some cables (X899B, IIRC).
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This error: command failed: Migration of cluster LIFs must be done from local node.
Means that you must be logged into the node of the cluster LIF's home port (node-mgmt SSH, SSH to node's SP/BMC or serial console access) to perform the migrate command for a cluster LIF. It's a "safety" feature.
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That is correct positioning. Disks are populated from the "outside -> in" from both ends.
"Add disks" documentation mentions this.
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MetroCluster IP Documentation concerning partitioned disks and the layout on AFF A400:
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This forum posting hosts the latest hardware-ONTAP.xml file.
The XML file link there has a date code of: 20230216
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Do you have the latest version (4.0)? NetAppDocs download: https://mysupport.netapp.com/site/tools/tool-eula/netappdocs
NetAppDocs is supported via the NetAppDocs Community Site or by emailing the following DL: ng-NetAppDocs-support@netapp.com
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In terms of cluster operations, you don't need to change cluster LIF IP addresses - they are local-address assigned and private to the cluster network, by default.
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You wanted X356A. X356A-R6 SSD, 3.8TB, SAS You accidentally ordered X357A. X357A SSD, 3.8TB, SAS, MSW If you review the HWU information, you will see that X357A is not supported on FAS8020 or ONTAP 8.2.x 7-Mode. You will need to order X356A.
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Yes. Generally, cluster switches support nodes connected to them with different speeds. For cabling, ports 1-16 (10/26GbE capable) on BES-53248 are all configured the same. You just need to be careful of port speed mixing within the 4-port group. See: https://docs.netapp.com/us-en/ontap-systems-switches/switch-bes-53248/configure-reqs-bes53248.html#cluster-switch-port-assignments
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Yes, that is a switch hardware restriction - you need to keep the speeds the same across the 4-port groups for 10/25GbE ports on the switch. The RCF says this: NOTE: - The 48 SFP28/SFP+ ports are organized into 4-port groups in terms of port speed: Ports 1-4, 5-8, 9-12, 13-16, 17-20, 21-24, 25-28, 29-32, 33-36, 37-40, 41-44, 45-48 The port speed should be the same (10GbE or 25GbE) across all ports in a 4-port group So, just make sure you plug in the AFF A250 25GbE cluster/HA ports in a different port group than the FAS2552's 10GbE ports.
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From a purely technical port connectivity perspective the UTA2 ports (e0c -> e0f) on the AFF A220 supports an optical 1GBASE-SX transceiver part available from NetApp. X6567-R6 I would also be concerned about using a 1GbE switch for your vSphere cluster. It might be a good idea to consider upgrading your switches to 10GbE levels.
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@SpindleNinjais right on... If you'd like to see the exact sizes of the partitions, the NetApp Hardware Universe shows that information via the ADP Root Partition Configuration link of the AFF A220's search results: https://hwu.netapp.com/Controller/Index?platformTypeId=5265148&platform=8626206&os=25380180
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Unfortunately, the driver/firmware for the X1154 FC ports do not support initiator mode, and there is no plan to do so. Hence the footnote in Hardware Universe.
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A1: VLANs 17 and 18 are used for HA traffic on AFF/FAS platforms that use a shared cluster+HA Ethernet ports (AFF A320, AFF A250, FAS500f). Please do not change anything related to VLANs 17 and 18. A2: The ISL ports 0/55 and 0/56 normally ONLY span VLAN 1 (default VLAN). You should NOT be spanning VLAN 17/18 (this is by design). Now with VLAN 999 being used natively for cluster traffic, I would go with this config: switchport trunk allowed vlan 1,999 I believe VLAN 1 is still used for some control traffic (e.g. CDP/ISDP), so that's why I'm keeping VLAN 1 in there. But you can remove it and see what happens 🙂
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What EFOS version are you on? Make sure you add VLAN 999 to the VLAN database. The cluster node ports are in "trunk"mode. So, you would set the native VLAN to 999 (it defaults to VLAN 1) for your untagged ingress traffic. interface 0/1-0/16 switchport trunk native vlan 999
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I'm glad to hear you found out about the reference configuration files (RCF). Here's some useful links to check out... Documentation: https://docs.netapp.com/us-en/ontap-systems-switches/switch-bes-53248/overview-bes53248.html Compatibility Matrix (to help you decide which EFOS version and RCF version to use): https://mysupport.netapp.com/site/info/broadcom-cluster-switch The support contract for the BES-53248 you have is with Broadcom. Here's info on this and how to register support for the switches. https://mysupport.netapp.com/site/info/policies-and-offerings/broadcom
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You shouldn't have to... what is your spare partition/disk situation, now? You still need to maintain spares after the aggregate expansions. nodeshell CLI "sysconfig -r" for each node might provide more clarity. Or open a technical case for formal assistance...
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+1 on Alex's reply. The customer is free to set up any management access and monitoring configurations for their environment. That said, two more points: Customers might need more breakout ports for their environment than the RCF configures. It is fine to repurpose additional switch ports for the ONTAP cluster's environment, as needed. See: https://kb.netapp.com/Advice_and_Troubleshooting/Data_Storage_Systems/FAS_Systems/How_to_modify_RCF_1.X_Breakout_on_Cisco_NX3232C_cluster_switch_for_specific_customer_needs ONTAP cluster switch health monitoring support for SNMPv3 is coming in a future ONTAP release. You are free to use SNMPv3 for switch monitoring with your tools, but you'll need to keep SNMPv2 community string support for ONTAP's communication with the switches, for now. See: Bug 1358228 - Only SNMPv2 with default SHM community string is supported in ONTAP SHM
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The HTML Instructions page for BIOS 11.16 should address your questions. https://mysupport.netapp.com/site/downloads/firmware/system-firmware-diagnostics/instruction-viewer/SYSTEM/30804108_signed/system-installation-instruction?fileName=index.shtml
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Closing the loop... this issue is tracked by Bug 1465232 - CIFS password change operation might fail. There are ONTAP fixes in various branches, as well as a workaround if an ONTAP upgrade is not possible at this time.
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Except... the AFF A400 platform (as do most of the newer models) dumps a coredump into a special partition on the boot device, now. So, the content about needing spare partitions for coredump no longer applies. That said, you still want spare partitions for RAID recovery operations.
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