I am looking forward to hear some more about why should we use qtree over volume to export Fil System. And would that make any differences in CDOT?
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on 7-mode, I could use "exportfs" command to display all exported file systems, or check /etc/exports. Are there any similar command on CDOT? vol export-policy show only display policy not the list of exported file system. Please share, if somebody knows
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Please let me know advantages and disadvantages respectively. One adv that I can think of will be quota, if I use qtree. Thank you for your inputs in advance!
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OK. then 1. it seems that PM is not up to PA yet. 2. without DFM commands, that'd be a big thing, IMHO. So, assuming OCUM 6.1 on CDOT is equivalent to DFM on 7-mode, does NetApp have any plan to get DFM commands back?
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Hi Adai, Thanks for insightful information. Based on the following link, the OCUM 6.1 is provided mostly for vApp. https://kb.netapp.com/index?page=content&id=3014139&actp=LIST_POPULAR Two followups: 1. Is Performance Manager included in OCUM 6.1 by default? how do I check and verify? 2. Can PM do the following as PA Can: - Per volume ops/throughput/latencies? - Per Protocol (NFS & CIFS) latencies? -Top volumes (performance wise)? 3. Can PM select any time window to look at performance data/issues? 4. on OCUM 6.1 server, can I still run dfm command?
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I use to work integrated Operation Manager and Performance Advisor as well as DFM. But, now I have OnCommand Unified Manager. In P.A, I can pull out graph on latency / throughput based on volumes / protocols. Can OnCommand Unified Manager do the same, or P.A. is additional component? Can sombody PLEASE tell me if it can replace Pefromance Advisor, and if DFM is included?
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I wanted to confirm with you all what is the right input to the command, since I could not get it work in my 2 clusters environment, the SM across two clusters are working, but this command is not. So, what does cluster-01 exactly represent here? an local cluster IC ip, any data lif, or... remote IC IP will be a remote IC IP which can be fond by "net int show". Please shed some light for me.
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As I undersand, namespace could cover multiple volumes and acoss different nodes. So, I am wondering if I could list all involved volumes / juctions paths, and nodes. Anybody, please?
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when I run mount vs2:/.admin /mnt/vs2rw as root, and then touch a file, I got permission denied error. the following is the rule instance, what should I modify? Vserver: vs1 Policy Name: policy_test Rule Index: 1 Access Protocol: nfs Client Match Hostname, IP Address, Netgroup, or Domain: x.x.x.x RO Access Rule: any RW Access Rule: any User ID To Which Anonymous Users Are Mapped: 65534 Superuser Security Types: sys Honor SetUID Bits in SETATTR: true Allow Creation of Devices: true
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Hi, I am sorry, but your suggested command is not working. Please let me know what else can I try > snapmirror create -source-path //vs1/vs1 -destination-path //vs1/vs1_ls_b -type LS Error: command failed: Volume "vs1:vs1_ls_b" not found. (entry doesn't exist) the volume "vs1_ls_b" should be "vs1_root_ls3" here, right? I think, you really meant is the following and I have already tried last time: > snapmirror create -source-path //vs1/vs1_root -destination-path //vs1/vs1_root_ls3 -type LS Error: command failed: Relationship with destination vs1://vs1/vs1_root_ls3 already exists.
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"snapmirror create..." command that you suggested has already been run on both ls1 and ls2 volumes, and it got approved, because if I run it again, I got a message saying the relationship with the destination already existed.
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I have gone throug all steps to set up SM LS on the same cluster. However, in the end, when after I run snapmirror initialize-ls-set -source-path n://vs1/vs1_root, the job got queued, [Job 116] Job is queued: snapmirror initialize-ls-set for source n://vs1/vs1_root. and then "snapmirrow show", the result is still uninitialized. What could go wrong? is this something to do with snapshot or snap reserver configurations? Please shed some light for me. also when I run "job show", that particular job is not listed there.
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I have read a lot about how NFS better than FC lun when using datastore for vmware. Can anbody please name a few reasons why you would prefer use FC over NFS? I just want to learn not to argue about it. Thanks!
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Assume I have /vol/vol1 and /vol/vol1/qtree1, and they both are exported, and then mounted as /mnt/vol1 and /mnt/qtree1 on a client. I understand the rule will be applied to entire volume including contained qtrees in c-mode. Rules on qtree level will have to be more restricted. In 7-mode, I can set two different rules to volume or contained qtrees in /etc/exports. fferent entities. So, can you please share with me an example in detail, what will be look like different on /mnt/lovl1 and /mnt/qtree1 in the case of 7-mode and c-mode respectively? and when do I need to export qtree in c-mode, since qtree would not be appear in paths of namespace, as I understand? Thanks for your time in advance.
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I have CDOT cluster simulator installed on my laptop by using vmware player. I understand I need to configure AD to practice CIFS shares. Since I don't know much about AD, and don't want to spend too much time on it, is there any simple configurations to bypass AD or simplify the process that I can use to allow me practice CIFS share on vserver? Thank you for your input.
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In enterprise SAN environment, what MPIO software you use for FC / iSCSI connection, respectively. including both linux and Windows operating systems. Thanks for sharing.
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I have successfully set up the 1st CDOT cluster with 2 nodes. However, I used the SAME way to set up 2nd cluster, with also 2 nodes, as the result, the cluster management IP is not pingable, although I can ping it within 2nd cluster. The node mgmt IP is fine. Please tell me what could go wrong? Is this something doable? if not, what options do I have to set up 2nd cluster?
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When use NFS for VMWare datastore, does than mean we use the exported vol or qtree for each individual VMDK? what is the implementation or architecture here? Thanks for your advice!
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