Here's a reponse from GidonMarcus.
There's a useful module one of the NetApp SE's wrote for SVM DR ( @masson )
There's also dedicated SVM DR pack for WFA that can be used.
Now, the SVM DR should replicate ALL the SVM volumes, and the shares configuration. However, if you chose not to replicate them. or not to use the SVM DR and just use can use this script (By @parisi and others)
You can use the following PS line to compare the two shares permissions and configurations between two SVMs every few hours/nights/weeks - i think it's best that they always identical rather copied.
#region Check that CIFS shares matched between Prod and DR $CifsSharesThatDontHaveExactMatchInDR = Get-NcCifsShare -Controller $clustersSessions | select Vserver,ShareName, @{Name='ShareProperties';Expression={$($_.ShareProperties | sort) -join ';'}}, @{Name='Acl';Expression={$_.Acl -join ';'}} | Group-Object path,sharename,ACL,ShareProperties | ? count -lt 2 | select -ExpandProperty Group | sort ShareName # Will only output issues #endregion Check that CIFS shares matched between Prod and DR
Taken from my script at