General Discussion

XCP Activation Error


I am working on a project to move a large nfs share on an EMC unity over to one of our NetApp clusters. I am going to use the XCP tool to copy the data from place to place; I am using XCP 1.6. I was able to "install" and use the XCP program successfully in a Windows environment to experiment with the tool. Now I want to do the same testing in a linux environment so I can eventually start moving the prod nfs share to its new home.
We have a Red Hat VM that we use for nfs backup mounts so I shell'ed in and untar'ed the XCP download. I copied my license file over to /opt/NetApp/xFiles/xcp. But when I try to activate it I get errors. I have checked the instructions again and went over everything.
Here is the error:

[root@cc-cavbrp03 linux]# ./xcp show localhost
XCP 1.6; (c) 2020 NetApp, Inc.; Licensed to my name [the place i work] until Mon Jul 27 10:49:29 2020

xcp: ERROR: XCP not activated, run 'activate' first


[root@cc-cavbrp03 linux]# ./xcp activate
XCP 1.6; (c) 2020 NetApp, Inc.; Licensed to my name [the place i work] until Mon Jul 27 10:49:29 2020

xcp: ERROR: run activate {}: 'module' object has no attribute 'RestException'

I have tried this on our CentOS linux machine that runs our Oncommand Insight and get the same errors.

Any help would be appreciated. I hope this is not something stupidly obvious that I am not seeing.





Well, in case anyone is interested, there is a new version 1.6p1 that fixes this issue. Get that version.

View solution in original post





I tried on my linux and it just worked as claimed by the install guide:


Some details of my linux server if that helps.

[root@redhatcentos7 /]# uname -a
Linux redhatcentos7 3.10.0-1062.el7.x86_64 #1 SMP Wed Aug 7 18:08:02 UTC 2019 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux
[root@redhatcentos7 /]#

[root@redhatcentos7 /]# ll /opt/NetApp/xFiles/xcp
total 8
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 288 May 9 18:07 license
drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 6 May 9 18:06 xcpfalogs
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 71 May 9 18:06 xcp.ini
drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 21 May 9 18:06 xcplogs
[root@redhatcentos7 /]#


[root@redhatcentos7 /]# ./xcp activate
XCP 1.6P1; (c) 2020 NetApp, Inc.; Licensed to xxxxx xx [None] until Wed Aug 5 13:13:16 2020
XCP activated
[root@redhatcentos7 /]#

Try checking logs:
[root@redhatcentos7 /]# tail -n 10 /opt/NetApp/xFiles/xcp/xcplogs/xcp.log
[root@redhatcentos7 /]# tail -n 10 /var/log/messages


May be the xcp 'tar' package is corrupted, download again and give it a try.


This is on my linux:
[root@redhatcentos7 /]# python
Python 2.7.5 (default, Aug 7 2019, 00:51:29)
[GCC 4.8.5 20150623 (Red Hat 4.8.5-39)] on linux2



Thanks for the response Ontapforum,
I checked mine:

Linux 3.10.0-1062.12.1.el7.x86_64 #1 SMP Thu Dec 12 06:44:49 EST 2019 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux


I checked the perms, and they are the same as yours.

/var/logs/messages had nothing



Python 2.7.5 (default, Jun 11 2019, 14:33:56)
[GCC 4.8.5 20150623 (Red Hat 4.8.5-39)] on linux2


I thought about a corrupt tar and re-downloaded.

The xcp.log had this after running the activate command:

2020-05-11 13:23:47,913 - INFO - 31582 xcp main pid 31582 runid 2929489578299211
2020-05-11 13:23:47,913 - INFO - 31582 xcp main Job index 0 on this host
2020-05-11 13:23:47,918 - INFO - 31582 xcp xFiler 0 listening on mnt 62049, nfs 62049
2020-05-11 13:23:47,918 - INFO - 31582 xcp xFiler 0 service path is .x0:/
2020-05-11 13:23:47,919 - INFO - 31582 xcp xcp
XCP 1.6; (c) 2020 NetApp, Inc.; Licensed to me [my work place] until Mon Jul 27 10:49:29 2020
2020-05-11 13:23:47,919 - INFO - 31582 xcp xcp
Build date: Sun Apr 5 01:47:46 PDT 2020
2020-05-11 13:23:47,919 - INFO - 31582 xcp xcp Command: activate {}
2020-05-11 13:23:47,920 - INFO - 31582 xcp xcp User Name: adminaccount
2020-05-11 13:23:47,920 - INFO - 31582 xcp xcp CPU: count 4, load avg (1/5/15m) 0.0, 0.0, 0.0
2020-05-11 13:23:47,920 - INFO - 31582 xcp xcp System memory (GiB): avail 5.6, total 7.6, free 0.3, buffer 0.0, cache 5.3
2020-05-11 13:23:47,921 - INFO - 31582 xcp xcp Paths: []
2020-05-11 13:23:47,923 - ERROR - 31582 xcp run activate {} run activate {}: 'module' object has no attribute 'RestException'
2020-05-11 13:23:47,924 - ERROR - 31582 xcp run activate {} Traceback (most recent call last):
File "sched.pyx", line 614, in sched.Engine._runTasks (sched.c:15480)
File "sched.pyx", line 1610, in (sched.c:40411)
File "../", line 70, in gRun
AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'RestException'

2020-05-11 13:23:47,925 - ERROR - 31582 xcp xcp Traceback (most recent call last):
File "sched.pyx", line 787, in sched.Engine.wait (sched.c:19483)
File "sched.pyx", line 542, in sched.Engine._waitloop0 (sched.c:14599)
File "sched.pyx", line 629, in sched.Engine._runTasks (sched.c:15924)
File "sched.pyx", line 614, in sched.Engine._runTasks (sched.c:15480)
File "sched.pyx", line 1610, in (sched.c:40411)
File "../", line 70, in gRun
AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'RestException'

2020-05-11 13:23:47,925 - ERROR - 31582 xcp xcp run activate {}: 'module' object has no attribute 'RestException'
2020-05-11 13:23:47,927 - INFO - 31582 xcp main pid 31582 runid 509040105885428
2020-05-11 13:23:47,927 - INFO - 31582 xcp main Job index 0 on this host
2020-05-11 13:23:47,932 - INFO - 31582 xcp xFiler 1 listening on mnt 62050, nfs 62050
2020-05-11 13:23:47,932 - INFO - 31582 xcp xFiler 1 service path is .x1:/
2020-05-11 13:23:47,958 - WARNING - 31582 xcp mount 'nfs_server:/export[:subdirectory]' Failed to connect to nfs_server port 111


Looks like some kind of python error.
Other than that I have done everythign in the install guide.

Again thanks for the info.


Well, in case anyone is interested, there is a new version 1.6p1 that fixes this issue. Get that version.
