I am fetching volume metrics from the following endpoint:
GET /api/storage/volumes/11111/metrics?fields=throughput%2Clatency%2Ciops&max_records=1&interval=1h
Here is the output:
GET trace: < GET /api/storage/volumes/11111/metrics?fields=throughput%2Clatency%2Ciops&max_records=1&interval=1h
"records": [
"timestamp": "2023-08-15T23:51:00Z",
"latency": {
"read": 0,
"write": 205,
"other": 128,
"total": 128
"iops": {
"read": 0,
"write": 1,
"other": 7105,
"total": 7107
"throughput": {
"read": 0,
"write": 15207,
"other": 0,
"total": 15207
"_links": {
"self": {
"href": "/api/storage/volumes/11111/metrics/2023-08-15T23%3A51%3A00Z"
"num_records": 1,
"_links": {
"self": {
"href": "/api/storage/volumes/11111/metrics?fields=throughput%2Clatency%2Ciops&max_records=1&interval=1h"
"next": {
"href": "/api/storage/volumes/11111/metrics?start.seq_no=1&start.timestamp=2023-08-15T23%3A50%3A45Z&fields=throughput%2Clatency%2Ciops&max_records=1&interval=1h"
- How are 'total' values calculated? For example, for 'throughput', the total value makes sense. For IOPS, it sort of makes sense even though "7105 + 1 = 7106", not "7107"... But for latency, total value does not make sense to me. Why is it "128"?