I'm trying to get any metrics of a cluster component, eg:
e.g. https://:8443/api/1.0/ontap/aggregates/metrics
But I always get the following error:
Response Code: 404
Management service instance not found for the specified request.
Unable to find a management-service instance for the 'MetricService'. Please check if the management-service instances have discovered the resource or if management-service instances are added in API Services.
I can access the monitoring and event rest apis, but not the metrics rest api calls.
OCUM: 6.4RC1
OPM: 2.1.0RC1 in Full Integration Mode
OCAPI: 1.1
OCAPI Settings:
Access to Unified Manager Database with Database User/Integration Schema
API access to Unified Manager Server with Local User/OnCommand Administrator
Any ideas?