Hi all,
what's about patches to have Data Source for EMC Atmos a/o ECS in 7.3.8 (or 7.3.x) too? In this old thread Matt Ostiguy cited patches for 7.1 and 7.2. https://community.netapp.com/t5/Data-Infrastructure-Management-Software-Discussions/OCI-amp-EMC-Atmos-ECS/m-p/120703#M21641
Thank you in advance.
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Yes, for the moment not yet because we're migrating the reamining 7 Mode node, but at the end we will have converted the two nodes from 7 to cDOT one controller at time.
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Yes, as you can read in my answer.
We did not think that the "not yet arrived second node" could cause this mess of issues on the FC LIFs. After all we've setup a CIFS SVM with just one Ethernet port on it!
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the issue has been solved. But first I would clarify something.
We have a 2554HA with both nodes in 7-Mode, let me call A and B. We've moved on the A aggregates the data in the B ones to free the disk shelves for a fresh setup of cDOT on B.
We've disabled the HA at the A node that now is running in 7 mode and serving users and apps (mostly VMware datastores)
In this way we've been able to setup the first node of a (future) 2 node cluster on B that has gone up and running fine waiting for the A (the ghost node) until the data will be migrated to its aggregate (we need to resume the production on B before to perform a fresh cDOT on A (and then join to the cluster).
Everything went good untile we've created the FC SVM. It was impossible because in some way (a wrong one) "knowing" that it was on a 2 node the SVM pretended the FC LIF on the second node too. But this second node was not yet present (the gost...) It was then easier than expected after a few thoughts about. I've disabled everything linked to a 2 node clusters, so SFO and HA were disabled wiht a simple:
storage failover modify -mode non_ha -node “B” In this way the cluster has been transformed in a single node one and the FC SVM could be build. Once migrated the data from current A to B again we'll setup a fresh on A and then putting again "true" to the HA parameter, we will be able to join A to the cluster. After all we've patented a way to transform a 2500HA FAS from 7 to cDOT one controller at time (having space of course to reverse data). Regards
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we're transforming a 2554HA 7Mode in a 9.3P6 clustered couple of nodes.
We've disabled the HA in the original 7 Mode, assigned the disks to the second node and we've performed with success a cDOT setup of a two nodes cluster where, temporarely, there's a ghost node, the second one, that will come once the migration have been completed (it will be the node that now run 7Mode)
So, we've a running two cluster with one node waiting for the second.
We need now to migrate via FCP a VMware datastore content from the LUNs on the remaining 7 Mode controller to the new one.
Problem. FC SVM created, FC LIFs ok, a couple of, LUN created, igroup created...NO MAP. There's no way to associate the igroup because there's no FC LIFs on the expected second node.
We've tried to disable cluster, SFO and so on but the issue remain. A message like that appears 'No LIF on node "" ...' with no node name between "" because, obviously, there's not yet a second node.
Is there a way to bypass this?
I know that I could create an NFS datastore where temporarely vmotion the content but LAN is very slow and customer prefer FCP.
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Hi Matt,
thank you very much. If you could provide a screenshot of the registry area I can make the task easier to the customer, avoiding to look for the "parameters" section that has to be changed. Without a look I'm not sure of what these "3 OCI Java-based services" are.
But in the meantime, thanks again!
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Hi all,
after SP2 on a OCI 7.3.1 the RAM size of the server has been increased up to 64 GB RAM. After the reboot this message appear:
MySQL innodb_buffer_pool_size set to 8192 MB, expected 10240 MB or more. Elastic search minimum and maximum heap size set to 16384 MB and 16384 MB, expected minimum and maximum heap size of 24576 MB or more, but no more than 30720 MB. WildFly maximum heap size set to 10240 MB, expected 12288 MB or more. Where and how these parameters can be adjusted? Thanks
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I can test only on the 7.3.0 of the LOD but I've passed the info to the customer running 7.3.1SP2. In the LOD I've noted that also changing the date format from Control Panel nothing change but actually I did not get any error. As I've written whatever the date format or the Chrome locale is, I can choose a date from calendar popup and this is regularly converted in english format (i.e. I choose dec, 28 and it's printed 12/28). The customer instead choosing dec. 28 get a 28/12 causing the error. I think that this can be considered a minor issue and an upgrade to 7.3.2 can wait to be scheduled.
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well, but, waiting for an upgrade to 7.3.2 in the meantime is there some tip for 7.3.1SP2? I agree with you that the issue on german/fremch browser could be the same for the italian. All use DD/MM/YYYY (only the US and Canada still continue to use MM/DD...and pounds, gallons, miles, feet and so on ) PS) I did not found IFR-3654 in the 7.3.2 release notes.
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Hi Matt,
maybe. I've posted further informations form test conducted just now on the LOD, nevertheless there I've only english OS I've modified the date settings. Interesting the results from the old JavaUI.
Customer is running 7.3.1SP2, while LOD has a 7.3.0. I've noted on the LOD server that nevertheless the date is printed as MM/DD it does not generate error. So that I can choose, whatever the settings are, dec. 28 and it will print on the field 12/28. At the customer site if dec. 28 is choosen by calendar is printed as 28/12 but it gives the error because 28 is a month.
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Hi everybody,
a customer of mine has discovered this today.
Inputing a date range using calendar popup this is provided as the international settings of his client (in this case italian) but then the date in the field is given in MM/DD/YYYY, so if from calendar i.e. is april 5th in the fiegd it becomes may, 4th...or for day values bigger than 12 it generates an error. In other words nevertheless form calendar a day of the month is selected that number is inputed in the field as a month. Is there a setting somewhere on OCI server to avoid this? I've tried to change the international date settings on OCI server but nothing change. In the webui the name of the months continue to be printed in english and the error above still persist, if I choose from calendar december 30 in the field it fills 30/12... with that red error message. I've also done another test using the JavaUI. If the date settings on OCI server a date choosen from a calendar (i.e. a task) is reprinted as MM/DD/YYYY but if the settings are Italy the date choosen is printed as DD/MM/YYYY. So it seems some form of bug in OCI.
These are the result from the JavaUI. Setting italian format gives back the date choosen in that format, vice versa is US date are set. That is possible with the right results in the JavaUI but has no effects in the WebUI, also if this is opened from the server itself.
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Thank you very much Sebastian.
Now we'll attempt to have some official answer by support on the sequence that you're suggesting, and on which I completely agree as suspected after that fault.
My best regards,
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Hi, thank you for the quick answer. Is the thing that I should do also because customer need some official position before to let us the steps with inverse path. Otherwise he will plan an outage. Another experienced Se told me that the sequence should be inverted also because if you look at the sequence after the reboot in that kb epsilon eleggibilità is the first thing so that it should be the last after aggr relocation and life move. Regards
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Hi everybody,
past friday during an operation given as NDO we've had a service interruption on NAS component.
We had to move the root aggregate from some old disks to new ones and we've literally followed the procedure reported here (our cDOT is 8.3.2P9)
In a very simple way it says:
Check for epsilon on the node you've to migrate and move it to another node
there's a warining about SAN protocols interruptions but we DID NOT have SAN protocols running, only NFS/CIFS.
Lif migration after the aggregate relocation
Well, NFS was restarted and all servers and apps belonging to it went down! I let you imagine customer reaction...
Also console after this command:
system node modify -node node01 -eligibility false
give us a warning about SAN disruption. As I wrote it did not matter us.
Only after that we've found on manual this, but as usual manuals are always less updated than knowledgebase so it could be the last place where to find fresh informations!
Moving epsilon for certain manually initiated takeovers
Note: Although cluster formation voting can be modified by using the cluster modify -eligibility false command, you should avoid this except for situations such as restoring the node configuration or prolonged node maintenance. If you set a node to be ineligible, it stops serving SAN data until the node is reset to eligible and rebooted. NAS data access to the node might also be affected when the node is ineligible. And, what does it mean "might be". I translate that as a "nobody knows, try..." Now the most important question (we must migrate other three nodes!) is this: Assuming that we've well understood that 1. migrate lif and only 2. epsilon false, it there an official answer/doc with updated information that ensure that is this the right procedure to avoid also NAS protocols interruption? Thank you very much,
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Hi everybody,
is not clear to me how many TB I can have to store locally backed up data prior to tier them to i.e. a StorageGRID system (cloud).
In the AV FAQ I can read that Backup Mode is optimized for repeating datasets and rapid backups and recoveries. In Backup mode, the AltaVault appliance keeps recent copies of regularly recurring backups in cache for quick recoveries, while also vaulting data out to the cloud. Dedupe rates typically are higher in backup mode. Cloud capacity is limited to 5 times that of the cache.
Assuming that I have an AVA-v32 its 32 TB of usable cache 32*5=160 TB of "Cloud capacity supported". Does this mean that I can store up to 160 TB of backed up data locally to the AVA prior to tier them externally? And what's about the "Logical Cloud Capacity" assumed at its maximum as a 30*160 (always with AVA-v32 model), so that 4,8 PB? I can store on a StorageGRID up to 4.8 PB?
In other words it's not clear to me this "cache" role? Think to backup in its most general form.
Thank you
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Hi, I'm quite sure that the answer is negative but I ask it the same Is there some plan to build a Data Soruce for Citrix Xen Server farms?
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Hi Matt, thank you very much for prompt answer. Yet it's a 7.3.0 > 7.3.1 (and then SP1) upgrade. Thank you for the suggestions that are always very useful but, in the mean time, installation process unlocked itself and we've also discovered the reasons of that very slow process. VMware guys were performing a VM move without notice us!!! 😕 In the meantime we've also discovered that as you right suspect the normal backup (the weekky one or the manual one) does not include performance archive, too small indeed! So the common onplace upgrade that has created that 6 GB gz file instead includes them, and we expect to see them restored (restore is in progress, mysql is working and writing as expected). Maybe can be useful another information we've discovered. Removal phase stopped two times because there was err.txt in \sanscreen\acq\log locked by two applications: dscli.exe and java32.exe both related to the IBM DSCLI tool installed on OCI server to acquire IBM storage data. For an unattended installation maybe somebody would expect that installer kills autonomously the locking processes. Thanks a lot! Giacomo
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Hi everybody, past week I've upgraded a 7.1.x instance to 7.3.1 SP1 in less than one hour. Today I don't understand if, on another customer, the time is taking is normal or not. Customer has a big installation but... DB size (from a backup) is more or less 150 MB, there are also 90 files of performance archival, 400 MB each. During installation from the msi (ran from a dos prompt as administrator) at the end of db backup a gz file more than 6 GB has been created in one hour and now the installer windows seems stuck "installing" with a very small blue bar slice on the left. And anoter hour has passed! OCI server is functional, has been restarted, a manual backup has been done... What do you suggest? To scratch everything and restore the manual backed up db? What's about the 90 days of performance archive already recorded? Thank you in advance,
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Hi! I think I've followed the instructions with no errors: I've got the connections, I can browse from dataset the categories and so on. Then I've tested the sample query in the video but my testing preview give me the colums with zero result. What is going wrong? Thanks a lot
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Hi all, some times it could happen to need to granularly export and then import somewhere else preconfigured things such as dashboards, queries, rules and their annotations, performance policies and so on, or, in case of loose of them to just import the deleted thing. This has to be done from the OCI server main web interface and is indipendend from the normal OCI database backup. At the same time you could need to backup DWH reports indipendently from the normal DWH database backup and useful overall for the custom reports. Attached here you will find a shord guide with images to do this. Bye
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Hi, thank you very much. I've just checked in the lab and it's quite easy to do it. As general information for others with the same problem I have to advice that only the public folder and its content can be exported or archived. So if you have to export something located in My Folder(*) copy all this content in a new folder under the public one and then export it. The same could be done with the Pulic Folder content itself. Separating in a different folder will permit to import everything without affecting the original content. The zip file with the content is stored in the default location <sanscreen folder>\cognos\c10_64\deployment Regards, (*) My Folder is anyway stored in the normal DWH backup procedure of the database
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Hi all, Is there a way to get the reports more smart than the copy to clipboard/paste from clipboard? I've tried to find information on Cognos related web sites but it's not immediate also because is not my matter. Imagine that you have a DWH already running with its fine customized reports and you've another customer that has built a lot of reports with rich features. In case the customer could share with me it's a very annoying operation to copy them in clipboard and to save as a file, then to open, copy and past from clipboard. One by one! In case there are a lot of well done and interesting reports, already organized in folder and/or packages could be “exported” and “imported” in massive way? I know that reports are somewhere in content store databases, but how to get them massively? Regards, PS) I know that backup and restore is a method but this is not usable in an existing DWH environment with its own reports and configuration because the restore scratch the existing reports.
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Hi everybody. yes, I know that is not supported but I would to know if somebody have had experiences on joining a CIFS SVM to an emulated Windows 2008R2 domain and its domain controller using a Samba Server. https://wiki.samba.org/index.php/Joining_a_Windows_Client_or_Server_to_a_Domain Regards
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Hi, I've had a certain answer 😉 "serial over IP" feature is the one that in vCenter is needed but future 9.2 release of Select will run without and it will be possibile to setup also on standard license. Maybe it will run on a free ESXi server, at least the single node. Anyway KVM support is on the road. Regards
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